Weird pole baskets

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Weird pole baskets

MC2 5678F589
Interesting concept, expand the baskets when there's a deep day:

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Re: Weird pole baskets

i bet they will be in pieces quickly, especially in they woods hooking every whipper pulling your arm out of socket OUCH. then try to get replacement parts , regular baskets are short lived enough
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Weird pole baskets

I saw several pair in use last aweek.    I agree they look easy to break.  I messed with them a bit.    They also come with a neoprene pad just below grip.    Also odd.     I think they are more gimmick.   Some fishing lures are designed to catch fishermen, not fish.    

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Re: Weird pole baskets

Adk Keith
In reply to this post by freeheeln
freeheeln wrote
i bet they will be in pieces quickly, especially in they woods hooking every whipper pulling your arm out of socket OUCH. then try to get replacement parts , regular baskets are short lived enough
Well there you go. Everyone know's there aren't any trees, whipper's, etc. in the backcountry. Just look at the picture in the ad.
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Re: Weird pole baskets

Why not just put a powder basket on and be done with it. In that video is there really a need for anything else