Well, this is interesting (NYT article)

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Re: Well, this is interesting (NYT article)

TomCat wrote
JasonWx wrote
i think snowboarding is taking hit because of the twin tip trick ski..
I think it's because every time gore opens a new peak, there is a long traverse to access it.

That's funny - Gore the snowboard slayer!
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Well, this is interesting (NYT article)

witch hobble
In reply to this post by witch hobble
witch hobble wrote
As long as I'm replaying the 90s for us all-

Message: I care.
Note to: self
CC: everybody

If you start drinking early in the afternoon, you just might wind up posting a somewhat obscure George H. W. Bush reference later in the evening.