What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

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What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

I ask because I think Gore skiers have gotten spoiled. The line for the old Gore gondola often resembled the line at a popular Disney World ride. The wait at the Mt. Mansfield Quad on a busy Saturday is brutal -- 45 minutes is not unusual. The K1 Gondola at Killington is no picnic either. Even with a huge line at the Northwoods Gondola, the wait is not bad at all, and once you get up on the mountain away from the gondola and stay there, things move quickly.

I think we've got it good at Gore, even on very busy weekends. Tell me if and why you disagree.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

I first started to ski Gore in the early nineties.  I waited for the triple (Adk Express) 45 minutes several times.  That was before the new Gondola. Actually the old Gondola had some long lines too, but I rarely rode it.

I think North Creek has a lot going for it. Gore is certainly a part of that.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

I waited longer at the Old Gore T bar than ever at the new Gore. Was just talking about that last weekend. Giant glob of skiers all waiting for that T bar. We were happy to get 8 or 10 runs in a day. All the adults smoked too. Sometimes the area around the line was all hazy on a calm day. The old Hudson trail top section was the best snow most days.
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

warp daddy
Longest wait maybe 15 minutes at the Gondi during Presidents week , BUT after we left the Gondi it was virtually ski on at the other pods
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

10-15 minutes and I was their on the two busiest revenue days ever.
They do a pretty good job but I do tend to get away from the gondi and explore other parts of mountain.
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

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I have seen a 15-20 minute lift line for the gondola on some holidays when it is windy.  The out of state crowd usually isn't as tough as the regulars, so they take it to get out of the wind.  Being a regular at Hunter, I didn't notice..  
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

That last pic is insane
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

In reply to this post by snoloco
Those line pics just made me puke in my mouth. I can barely handle standing in a gondi line on weekends and would rather take the triple on a bitterly cold day. Gore can spoil you that way.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

Most ever was 5 minutes for the gondola on MLK day. After spending the day before at Okemo and dealing with 30 minute lines there... it was a blessing.  I ski midweek only so most days I'm upset if they cram me in a gondola with more than one other couple.  We spent presidents week at Stratton, after waiting 15 minutes for their crappy slow gondola, we were more than happy to keep our money at Gore.  

Now, everyone who reads this must follow the rule that you don't tell your friends so it can stay that way...  though it really is the lack of onsite lodging the the fact that mountain does not funnel that really does that.  

And, those pictures make my feet hurt just thinking about them.  
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

In reply to this post by snoloco
Can't agree re:Hunter the Katerskill Flyer 6 pack  seems to eat up the line very quickly even on Weekends, The new lift at Hunter West [forgot the name]  rarely has a line , this ain't your daddy's Hunter, better skiers, families!, the Saturday afternoon bar is still pretty much rockin though.
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

I've waited 10+ for the Gondi on a cold holiday. But even that is only during peak times. When it's crowed I just avoid the lower mountain and don't wait at all.

I didn't ski the holidays this year, but thought the weekend lines were smaller than what I recall from the past few years.

As far as lift lins go, we have it good.

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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

Having just started skiing a couple of years ago after a very long layoff, I laugh when my daughter complains about the lines and crowds at Gore, remembering very long lines and waits when I would be skiing at Hunter or Killington back in the early 80s.  We should shut this thread down, lest the word get out! ;)
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

In reply to this post by Footer
Footer wrote
After spending the day before at Okemo and dealing with 30 minute lines there.
Oh great.  Now I know what to expect when I go there for President's day.  I still can't wait for the trip though.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

Gondi 10 minutes once or twice during Pres Week.

Other than that you are not waiting in lines per se. Ski up and go.
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Re: What's The Longest You've Waited on a Gore Lift Line?

In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
Since I'm half semi retired and can play hookey my home base has become Hunter which is just 90 minutes from my home, but if I want a bigger Eastern Mountain and have 2 days to put together Gore has some of the quickest lines I've ever experienced, coupled with great skiing on  diverse terrain, maybe you shouldn't advertise it.