What's worse.......

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What's worse.......

......than watching everyone talk about snow and skiing?

Doing it from the orthopedist's office while you are waiting for him to check out your broken foot.

Down in Dutchess County NY and we may see flakes tonight!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: What's worse.......

That sucks!  Hope you have a quick recovery, 6-8 weeks puts us in the heart of the season
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: What's worse.......

Benny Profane
Heal up. I'm dealing with a fairly minor foot injury that has totally shut down my biking and anything aerobic for four months now, but I have a total green light on skiing. As my podiatrist said, no whoop, you're wearing a cast in the form of a ski boot, after all.
funny like a clown
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Re: What's worse.......

My ortho said the same.  I should be ready for skiing come January but playing soccer again will likely take longer.  The ski boot keeps things immobile, and you aren't pushing off or cutting with your feet while skiing.  

What kind of shape I'll be in this ski season after a couple months off.........that's a whole 'nother question.

Hope you heal up soon.

We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: What's worse.......

Gunny J
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
  What worse , just had anthro   knee  surgery 4wks ago , meniscus cleaned well but anterior side of knee has osteoarthritis and is not going to heal.  Going to therapy  in hopes of sliding down the hill this Winter. Knee replacement next April unless its unskiable,  then maybe sooner.
   Anyone here ever try stem cells, Regenerex  seems  like fiction.
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: What's worse.......

Peter Minde
This post was updated on .
Gunny J wrote
What worse , just had anthro   knee  surgery 4wks ago , meniscus cleaned well but anterior side of knee has osteoarthritis and is not going to heal.  Going to therapy  in hopes of sliding down the hill this Winter. Knee replacement next April unless its unskiable, then maybe sooner.
  Anyone here ever try stem cells, Regenerex seems like fiction.
Gunny, Did your doctor discuss Euflexxa or Synvisc with you?  These are injections that can improve the quality of the fluid in the synovial capsule, making it easier to articulate your knee.  I've gotten Euflexxa for  couple of years now, torn meniscus left knee.  It's been a big help: I may not run any more marathons but I can still ski.  Something like this might delay knee replacement.

No experience regarding stem cells or Regenerex.
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Re: What's worse.......

Gunny J
This post was updated on .
 I have had synvisc twice, last time two months ago. When it failed to produce results that's when I opted for a knee scope.
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: What's worse.......

In reply to this post by Gunny J
Gunny J wrote
... has osteoarthritis and is not going to heal.  Going to therapy  in hopes of sliding down the hill this Winter. Knee replacement next April unless its unskiable,  then maybe sooner.
Same boat except right hip here, what a drag it is gettin old! Mix of excitement and anxiety for the start of the season - I feel like the pain will be manageable but have no idea what the mis-alignment and leg length differential will do to my skiing. I also have a n affliction of cheapness and don't want to spend a butt ton of $ for canting shims etc so just stocked up on footbed wedges and will see how it goes....
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Re: What's worse.......

Please close this thread - I don't want to think about all the aches and pains of getting older. Stuff hurts sometimes for no apparent reason - why?
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: What's worse.......

Gunny J
   My pain in knee is from an apparent reason. Major anterior damage during a Softball game nearly 20 years ago, the spring after I contracted lime disease. I am only 47 , my knee was ok for years , then degenerated at a very fast pace.
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: What's worse.......

This part of the season isn't too exciting, hope you guys can get back on track for turns when it gets soft.
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Re: What's worse.......

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by PeeTex
PeeTex wrote
Please close this thread - I don't want to think about all the aches and pains of getting older. Stuff hurts sometimes for no apparent reason - why?

Because you are a bad person, and this is god's way of punishing you as you get older. Slowly. He knows you've been saving your money, looking forward to free time and senior discounts when you're free of the corporate cage. He's quite the joker when it comes to this little issue. Bastard.
funny like a clown
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Re: What's worse.......

Peter Minde
In reply to this post by Gunny J
Gunny J wrote
My pain in knee is from an apparent reason. Major anterior damage during a Softball game nearly 20 years ago, the spring after I contracted lime disease. I am only 47 , my knee was ok for years , then degenerated at a very fast pace.
Sorry to hear this Gunny.  Best wishes if you need to go the replacement route,
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Re: What's worse.......

I'm in the same boat.  I ruptured my left Achilles tendon in late September.  5-7 more weeks in a walking boot.  I am hoping to be able to ski by February/March, but my doc won't give me any hope one way or the other at this point.  I have to wait and see!  

It is bittersweet seeing all the skiing posts and photos online from friends.  I wish I could be out there, too!