What to do after getting hit on the hill

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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

Come to Alta, we don't have 20something year old drunk snowboarders at noon on a Sunday.

They're skiers.

Best of luck with a quick recovery.
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

Sorry Z,

To respond to the question I guess th best options are:  look for witnesses, call patrol, take photos of faces, passes if possible and skis, boards, friends.  Don't handle personally as that can only bite you.   All this assuming the person is an Ahole and not doing what's right.
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

Program the ski patrol emergency number (it's printed on your pass) into your phone. Get a great description of the offender, corral witnesses and call the patrol. Keep your eyes open and listen carefully for potential out of control fools.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

I normally hear a snowboard behind me but there were guns going so I didn't hear anything before being hit.

I had accidentally left my phone in the car.  Taking his photo and even photo of his ID if he would have showed it would have been good.

I'm sore today and am going to the Chicroprator this afternoon.  I'm more pissed off than hurt at this point.  What if this bozo had hit somebodies kid?

These stupid kids seem to get worse each year.  Too many dumb videos out there that these bozos dint have the skills to replicate and they are skiing / riding way too fast fir thier abilities.
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

MC2 5678F589
Agree that there seems to be a lot more yahoos than there used to be. Not sure if it's because there actually are more yahoos or if I'm getting old and my "get off my lawn" muscles are growing.

I do feel like more mountains will start adopting the Mt. Snow model of having an entire area dedicated to park, pipe, and teenage stuff. The problem is that Gore and Whiteface aren't really set up for that (unless you want to take over beginner areas), so the kids who want to ride park are on the same trails as everyone else for a while. And those parts of the mountain are the most dangerous: The saddle to the top of Wild Air at Gore (or to the top of Sleighride), and the top of the Face Lift at WF to the top of that park skier's left of Upper Valley, then the bottom of that park past the midstation towards the other park.

All that discussion is about later season, though. Early season is a shitshow no matter what. Wear bright colors, keep moving, and always be looking uphill when stopped.
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

mattchuck2 wrote
Agree that there seems to be a lot more yahoos than there used to be. Not sure if it's because there actually are more yahoos or if I'm getting old and my "get off my lawn" muscles are growing.

Feel better Coach.  If it helps at all I am sore as hell and nobody ran into me.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

Harvey wrote
mattchuck2 wrote
Agree that there seems to be a lot more yahoos than there used to be. Not sure if it's because there actually are more yahoos or if I'm getting old and my "get off my lawn" muscles are growing.

Feel better Coach.  If it helps at all I am sore as hell and nobody ran into me.

I was thinking the same thing and I didn't even ski. Traipsing around the woods for a week will do it tho.

I was hit once, oddly enough 3ish years ago by a boarder at WF as well......the dude was very apologetic, at first I wanted to punch the bastard but after seeing how sincere he was we shook hands and parted friends . Looking back it certainly could've been much, much worse.    
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

Adk Jeff
Glad you weren't hurt badly, and hope you're feeling better Coach.  

For the record, IMO the mountain hosts were out in force and highly visible on Saturday.  Seemed like there was one or two stationed at every turn on Excelsior.  Didn't really notice any down below where you got hit though.  Get well soon!
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

In reply to this post by raisingarizona
raisingarizona wrote
Around the year 2000 my at the time girlfriends college buddy was visiting Jackson with his wife and while skiing down the bowl under the Sublette lift they stopped in a highly visible and safe spot. A young snowboarder was playing a game of buzz the tourist and hit his wife. She suffered major head trauma and in order to try and keep her airway clear he had to do two finger sweeps to remove the blood and the fragmented pieces of teeth and jaw bone. She died in his arms.
The timing is off from your mention of 2000 but I found a couple of things, not sure if it is the same:




Even if not, another sad story.

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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
You guys just dog pile on snowboarders. The most unsafe riders I have ever seen? The fucking freestyle ski team, ironically they can ski better than anyone on the mountain. I don't worry about out of control snowboarders, I worry about in control skiers pushing their limits: cutting in front of us, not calling out when doing so, and generally acting like the smug entitled little boys that they are. One even said some smart mouthed shit to my son. Not only that, they push past slower riders in a wild wolf pack.  

The best way to not get hit is to not stop on the slope. Target fixation is a real thing no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
Sorry you got hit man, but this blaming everything on young snowboarders is bullshit!
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

skunkape wrote
You guys just dog pile on snowboarders. The most unsafe riders I have ever seen? The fucking freestyle ski team, ironically they can ski better than anyone on the mountain. I don't worry about out of control snowboarders, I worry about in control skiers pushing their limits: cutting in front of us, not calling out when doing so, and generally acting like the smug entitled little boys that they are. One even said some smart mouthed shit to my son. Not only that, they push past slower riders in a wild wolf pack.  

The best way to not get hit is to not stop on the slope. Target fixation is a real thing no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
Sorry you got hit man, but this blaming everything on young snowboarders is bullshit!
I thought coach went out of his way to say it could have been a jerk skier.

heal up coach.
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

In reply to this post by skunkape
skunkape wrote
Sorry you got hit man, but this blaming everything on young snowboarders is bullshit!
I didn't read this as an general attack on snowboarders.  

It doesn't really matter what you ride.  Collisions happen regardless of the tool.  I do see this as an issue with youth.  When I see someone doing something stupid on the mountain (like straight lining through a crowd), they are usually male and under 25.

Precisely why you can't rent a car until you are 25... the part of your brain that understands risk/consequences is not fully developed until you are into your mid 20's.
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

In reply to this post by skunkape
skunkape wrote
The best way to not get hit is to not stop on the slope.
This was a problem for me/us this weekend.  I just did not have the gas to rip 1500 vert without a stop and the trail was very narrow in spots.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

MC2 5678F589
Harvey wrote
skunkape wrote
The best way to not get hit is to not stop on the slope.
This was a problem for me/us this weekend.  I just did not have the gas to rip 1500 vert without a stop and the trail was very narrow in spots.
Yep. Even if they HAVE to open a trail in that condition, it would be nice if they would groom out a couple of bailout/catch-your-breath spots for people who don't want to straight line Showcase.
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

In reply to this post by ml242
ml242 wrote
skunkape wrote
You guys just dog pile on snowboarders. The most unsafe riders I have ever seen? The fucking freestyle ski team, ironically they can ski better than anyone on the mountain. I don't worry about out of control snowboarders, I worry about in control skiers pushing their limits: cutting in front of us, not calling out when doing so, and generally acting like the smug entitled little boys that they are. One even said some smart mouthed shit to my son. Not only that, they push past slower riders in a wild wolf pack.  

The best way to not get hit is to not stop on the slope. Target fixation is a real thing no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
Sorry you got hit man, but this blaming everything on young snowboarders is bullshit!
I thought coach went out of his way to say it could have been a jerk skier.

heal up coach.
He did. Typical knuckle dragger can't even read all the words.  
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

In reply to this post by Petronio
Ya, that's it. I met Chris and his wife in 2001, we got drunk and played a bunch of games of pool at the Cabin Bar, now gone too actually and my X told me about the incident in 2005 while we were living here in Flagstaff. We humans and our long term memories aren't so good I guess, it's amazing how Trump can remember things he saw on television so well from 14 years ago. :)

And I hate the anti-snowboarder vibe thing too, I didn't get that from this thread though. Honestly that kind of mentality isn't really a thing in serious ski towns, it seems to be more of a weekend warrior kind of thing.
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

This post was updated on .
I made it clear that I very well could of been hit by the boarders buddy on skis that just missed me to one side.  I'm not anti boarder but anti $hit for brains.  There is a reason males under 25 pay more for car insurance.  Maybe they should have to skiing and riding insurance.  I also know many fine mature young adults that ski / ride responsibly while still having fun.

The problem is not boarders but young free ride types regardless on what they are sliding on.  Why is it that they ski / ride in packs very closely together.  That greatly increases thier potential to hit something because they are so close together.  When I ski with friends we spread way out.  

While Host patrol does a great job with Excelsior my input would be to cover tower 10 becuase everything converges there.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

Banned User
Coach Z wrote
  Why is it that they ski / ride in packs very closely together.  That greatly increases thier potential to hit something because they are so close together.  
It sounds like in your scenario they were " following the leader ". If so, the last ones will be bombing it to keep up so their D-bag buddies won't rag on them for " being " unable to keep up. Stupid chit for sure.

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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

my wife was checked twice Sunday by ski instructors doing some clinic thing in the narrow curves of excelsior.  second time he almost ran her into the woods.  good thing she can rip.  got skinny, cranked back on her tails and punched through tight to the tree line...  

if I move slowly across an entire trail, I always look back up the trail to make sure I'm not cutting anyone off.  them dudes never looked up the hill!  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: What to do after getting hit in the hill

We had our train the trainer day on Friday and one thing we specifically discussed was not to do any across the hill type tasks with our limited terrian.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time