Where to ski next?

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Where to ski next?

Bromley was a blast, thanks again for everyone's input. Now I'm debating between Magic and Plattekill.  These seem to be the two best-loved areas (+ Gore) within a four hour drive from NYC.  Never been to Platte, and only skiied Magic in the 80s in my pre-telemark days, so most likely I didn't properly appreciate it.  They are both on my seasonal to-do list, but time's kinda scarce what with the baby and the job and the wife and all. *Cue violin music*

Yes, I really am able to make decisions for myself once in a while, but committees are way more fun.
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Re: Where to ski next?

There has been a lot of Platte talk around here lately so I'm going to have to say go with it.  No lines, looks like a nice hidden gem
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Where to ski next?

In reply to this post by Caber
Caber wrote
Bromley was a blast, thanks again for everyone's input. Now I'm debating between Magic and Plattekill.  These seem to be the two best-loved areas (+ Gore) within a four hour drive from NYC.  Never been to Platte, and only skiied Magic in the 80s in my pre-telemark days, so most likely I didn't properly appreciate it.  They are both on my seasonal to-do list, but time's kinda scarce what with the baby and the job and the wife and all. *Cue violin music*
I've never been to Magic. But it's not hard to feel the reverence skiers have for that hill.

One the the reasons that Plattekill had gotten "air time" here, is because we've been pushing it. The place is just loaded with vibe, and it's a classic NY ski area, fighting against the odds.  Two things in Platte's favor - good snowfall and excellent terrain.

I say, give Plattekill at try. They got another three inches last night and more is in the forecast.  They're 100% open and lift tickets are $15 this week.

And don't forget... (you knew it was coming)... the Plattekill Challenge!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Where to ski next?

Heh. Don't worry, if and when I go I'll do a full report!
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Re: Where to ski next?

In reply to this post by Caber
Caber wrote
Bromley was a blast,
Would you give some details.

When did you go, weekend, holiday? Were slopes crowded? Liftlines?

I never been to Bromley,  but always considered.

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Re: Where to ski next?

Not a proper report, but from memory:
We were there the Saturday of MLK weekend.  The thermometer on my car read -7 by the time I hit VT, but we had blue sky and no wind all morning long.  The snow was great - about three inches of soft stuff over the hardpack.
We met a fellow kneedropper on the lift, older gentleman name of Rudy who volunteers as a Host - heck of a skiier and we had a blast listening to his stories and trying to keep up.
Only downside was me demoing a bunch of gear and fighting with new/different/weird skis all day. My legs were toast by 3pm.