White Friday instead of Black Friday

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White Friday instead of Black Friday

Who is going skiing instead of shopping Friday?
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: White Friday instead of Black Friday

still mtb for me down here - happy thanksgiving!
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Re: White Friday instead of Black Friday

Gunny J
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In reply to this post by Z
No skiing, four hr ride not worth a few trails.  Get cold soon
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: White Friday instead of Black Friday

The 5 of us are skiing :)
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Re: White Friday instead of Black Friday

We will have a White Friday at Whiteface and hopefully a White Season.  
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Re: White Friday instead of Black Friday

In reply to this post by Z
We will be @ Gore for opening day to end the seven month craving for carving.  There will be the obligatory Gape-In on the deck to rehash the awesomeness of our efforts on the challenging terrain available.  Looking forward to schooling Mattchuck for yet another season.  Ski you on the hill.

All the best.
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Re: White Friday instead of Black Friday

Peter Minde
Roller skiing, riding and running in NJ.  I'm not about to drive 420 miles to Craftsbury to [cross-country] ski on 1250 meters of manmade.  By all accounts conditions are thin in West Yellowstone this week too.
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Re: White Friday instead of Black Friday

In reply to this post by Z
We DID go skiing instead of shopping!  We headed up to Whiteface today and had a great time.  The conditions were decent and the crowds, while significant, were pretty well behaved.  No door busters though!