This is my first vid of it from 2011. first rode across the White Line In December of 2010. It had been ridden before, once in 2005 by local Chewy and previously in the late 90's early 2000's by someone else. The turn though down onto the lower ledge had never been done before, for me that was what made it a line. That turn is scary and committing, you are looking straight down a 150-200 foot drop. It's not really that technical but the exposure is real.
The only reason I rode it in the first place was because at the time I was working at Pink Jeep Tours and one of our stops is directly below here, a fellow employee was telling his passengers about seeing a pro rider riding across that line years ago. I told him I would do that and he laughed at me in front of his and my passengers. I didn't think that line was a big deal so the next time he was doing tours out there and I was out riding I waited for him to show up and I rode across the White Line, got off my bike, turned it back and rode back the other way.
This was the same year I got my Sony hand cam and my Gopro cameras. I wanted to get some cool footage. My friend Ryan rode across the face a few times and one day while sitting up there I spotted that turn to the lower ledge. I saw an opportunity to get a really cool shot. My buddy Ryan told me a few days later that he couldn't sleep and he just had to ride it so later that week we shot that 30 second clip. A couple of days later I rode it and then it became locally pretty famous.
I knew that a good heli shot would go viral but we never seemed to make it work. So this guy is grabbing the fame, at least he didn't try to claim it as a first.
Here is an edit from 2012. this is the shit we do when there is no snow here, even without powder there are plenty of ways to stay entertained in NAZ.
I would be out today if I wasn't home sick.