Hardly anything in this world is as black and white as humans want it to be explained to them and the media likes to tell it.
I stand by my opinion that a really simple way to improve our lives is to just turn it off. Don't watch the shit or buy into the divide the corporate media is purposely creating. |
I know, but it keeps calling me. You're right RA.
I don't rip, I bomb.
In reply to this post by raisingarizona
I avoided clicking on this thread, because I knew it would be stupid, and holy shit, it was even dumber than I imagined.
Camp, is this seriously something that pisses you off so much that you have to run to NYSkiBlog to talk about it? RA is right. Turn off the news - it's baiting you to get into these dumb arguments about bullshit when there are far more pressing problems in the world. Getting upset about this tiny incident is like getting upset that a blade of grass on your lawn is dead, while you ignore a house fire. |
Seems to me you're the only one who's pissed here MC I'm not pissed at all. I'm merely pointing out how our media loves to play the race card. They seem to continually drive a spike between this country trying to further divide us. I still say that if the color of these kids skin was reversed it would be that house fire you speak of. But it wasn't. It was just bad kids doing bad things. Like PeeTex said, when is it ok to say all lives matter without being called a racist. |
Sorry I wasn't available earlier to explain to you for the thousandth time why "All lives matter" is insulting when said in response to "Black lives matter".
And if you don't feel like you're fueling the divide in this country (the very divide you're ranting against) by linking to and disseminating this story, you need to take a break from the Internet and do some hard thinking. The stories we consume, distribute, and amplify are the ones that form opinions. So I would be careful about amplifying stories that beg for a certain reaction from "certain groups" of people, the way you're doing here. And you're giving the game away with your "what if it was 4 white kids, one black guy?" question. You're trying to provoke some kind of "white solidarity" with those that agree with your worldview and some kind of "those liberals won't say this is wrong" reaction from those that disagree with your worldview. And the usual suspects (PeeTex, snowballs, Johnnyonthespot, etc.) waded in to support your white solidarity, and (because I knew exactly what this thread was and decided not to click it), it was left to ml to point out that these kids will be fully prosecuted, in stark contrast to cops, who rarely even get indicted for their crimes. You say this: But you're doing the very thing you claim to be against. You were right that the best explanation for this behavior is dickhead kids being dickhead kids. In the future, the next time you're tempted to post a deliberately divisive story up, try to think this way: "is it possible that someone is just being an asshole here, and it's not an indictment of an entire race, culture, or gender? Is it possible that the opinion or actions of this one person, or small group of people, doesn't really reflect widely on the broader culture, and that it's just an asshole being an asshole?" If you ask yourself this question before any posts, you start to find that a lot of things fit in this box. Meryl Streep made an anti-Trump speech? "Okay", you might say, "Maybe she's just one person expressing an opinion and I shouldn't get bent out of shape". If an illegal Mexican immigrant kills someone? "Okay", you could think, "there are criminals of all races and creeds, why would I amplify this story over all others?" If a terrorist destroys a building, you might think "perhaps this guy's religion has nothing to do with this asshole behavior" (I'm talking about Timothy McVeigh in that last example, but I could have been talking about anyone, I guess). If you truly want to cut down on divisiveness in this country (and I think you do), stop posting and linking to stories whose only purpose is to be divisive. How do I know which stories are divisive? I think you already know that. If your purpose is to rally PeeTex and Snowballs to your side, while getting ml and my goat, then you probably have a divisive story in your hand. Once you determine that, then you can determine if it might just be an asshole doing asshole things. If it's divisive, but isn't just one asshole (so it's congress passing a new tax break, or it's the Supreme Court striking down civil liberties, or it's the government ordering a military strike somewhere, etc.), then I'd love to have a discussion where I hear both sides, and weigh costs & benefits, etc. If it's just an asshole doing asshole things, though, count me out. *Unless it's Trump. I need to know what that asshole is up to at all times because his asshole behavior could affect my life. |
You sure are good at telling people how they think and what the should do/say. Ever think of a job in politics??? No clue why you can't deal with the truth I actually thought that this current event could be talked about here without people pointing fingers, obviously I'm wrong. Carry on ![]() |
And what is "the truth" in this situation? Crime was committed, suspects were apprehended. Seems like something that happens every day. And yet... I call bullshit. You wanted a reaction. If you want to make a thread that's a daily crime blotter, go ahead. Nothing is stopping you. But that's not what you're doing. What you're doing is sowing division. If you go over to the White Supremecist websites, you'll find that they have a "daily black crime" thread and a "daily Mexican crime" thread, and a "daily Jewish crime" thread. Is that what you want to do here on the New York Ski Blog? Because I don't want you to do that, and I'd prefer that you take your "black crime" talk over to those places and away from this place. |
My original point is that if the skin color of these kids was reversed it would still be in the news, people would be screaming racism, riots would start, etc etc.
I never once said I liked that or that I even agreed with it. It's the unfortunate truth. You can put words in my mouth, I really don't give two shits. We've talked about this at work. I've talked to friends about it, some never heard about it because it's swept under the rug. I din't see it on TV I saw it on MSN's news feed, the 4th page in. You seemingly enjoy telling me, and others here, what words we are saying, what actions we are doing when in fact the typed words are exactly the opposite. Maybe it is you who should take a break from the IntraWebZ. Shit man the only tiime I'm even on here is when I'm at work to kill time and for a few laughs. That's it. Period. Black crime??? WTF are you talking about - dude you are delusional, really, take a step back. I've never met Harv but I know him well enough (back channel) to feel comfortable enough that if he thought I was attempting to deliver some subliminal message (as you seem to want to think) he would shoot me an email. |
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Well then, have at it. http://www.stophatedumptrump.com/
I don't rip, I bomb.
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Read my long post again. My point is that by searching this story out, saying "what if the races were reversed", by promoting it on this website, by talking to your friends (Buncha white guys?) about it, you're creating division. Whatever your motivations are, the result is divisiveness by way of anecdote. And I don't come this website (even the off topic section) for that shit. If you want to have a civilized conversation about crime, we can do that. But if you just want to say "look how these blacky blacks mistreated this white" PLEASE take that to another website.
In reply to this post by Johnnyonthespot
Right. There are several different websites that cater to whatever you want. If you guys feel the need to post weird racial shit, there are places you can go. If I want to argue with a-holes, I can get involved in a Facebook comment thread.
I'm just asking to keep this place free of racial fearmongering or racial "look at this bullshit" stuff. It was one thing when we were talking about Colin Kaepernick. That was at least a national story that people had opinions on (even if it was, in essence, just a guy and his opinion and his choice of protest). This story's entire purpose is to sow racial animus. The reason it's not national news is that it doesn't offer any opportunity for growth or discussion. It's just bad kids who did bad shit. And there's nothing to comment on, UNLESS you're trying to make broad racial points from a single shitty situation, which, as I explained, is something we should try to avoid, especially on the NYSkiBlog. |
You really amaze me
Racial fear mongering?? Good grief. I forgot we are all supposed to think like you This is a real issue in this country and if you don't think it is you're kidding yourself. How many times does (I think it's) Nepa need to give example of his wife teaching history to kids. Kids that are black, white, purple, yellow,wtf ever color. Kids that haven't a clue what racism is until we teach them about it. Dude, I worked with inner city kids (primarily black kids) during a summer for my college internship. I've cried with these kids, I laughed with these kids, I've been pissed off at these kids, so don't sit up on your fucking high horse and look down your nose at the rest of us who don't see things maybe exactly as you would like us too. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK? |
Nope, not mmmmmmk.
But do what you want, buddy. Keep taking that maximum racial animus position every time one of these stories pops up. Hell, do it with those kids or those parents. See what they think of your Colin Kaepernick position or your "all lives matter" position. Next time a black girl gets manhandled by a white cop, go into that black community and tell them the policeman was not at fault and she should have complied. Tell them about this story, and why, if it was a black kid and 4 white teemagers, it would have been on the news for weeks. These are almost all things that you brought up on this forum. If you're looking for someone who is sowing racial division here, find a mirror. |
You are right off your rocker crazy
But again, please continue to tell me and others what we should think and do. How we should act in your oh-so perfect MC2 bubble. YIKES! And you know damn well my thoughts are shared by plenty of people, hell I've put links up showing them in the Kapernick thread. I never once brought color into that thread. You jumped right in and did that right on key. Nice work buddy ![]() |
You started a thread called "White Kid Kidnapped", which specifically had a racial comparison in the opening post, and you're accusing me of "bringing color into [it]"?
Holy shit, you're oblivious As I said, you can do whatever you want. But, as a personal opinion, I'd prefer if you kept specific race-based crime off the NYSkiBlog. And I'd also like to see more fun, happy camp, and less "know your place" comments-on-race camp. And, as a final opinion from me, I think you need to learn about de-escalation. Police can de-escalate situations and maybe children wouldn't get killed in Ohio, and guys selling loose cigs wouldn't get killed in NYC. You can de-escalate racial tensions by not promoting stories like the one this thread is based on, saying "kids are crazy sometimes" when you and your friends talk about it, and understanding that perhaps the reason the media isn't magnifying this story is that they don't want to bring all of those racist, white supremecist elements (the one's that I "know damn well [your] thoughts are shared by") out of the woodwork to harass everyone involved in this unfortunate incident and stir up a fucking race war. We'd all be better off if we could de-escalate situations like this, not add fuel to the fire, like you seem intent on doing. |
Say it isn't so ![]() |
Just in this thread... Trying to de-escalate. ![]() |
WORD ![]() It's cool -- we're all entitled -- afterall that's why they make more than one kind of beer. It all comes down to beer. I like beer. I'm still about an hr and a half away from one tho. Sad, very sad. ![]() |
Whomever came up with the idea that drinking was bad at work never has had a job |