Whiteface 2/25/12

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Whiteface 2/25/12

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Whiteface on 2/25 was your classic storm scenario, high winds, 2 lifts running, thousands in line. Holiday weekend and a race going on didn't help any either. River lot was full by 8:05am. Face lift was loading by 8:30 and they got the racer lift(7) going by 9:15 or so. I got up the Face lift and hiked up to Mackenzie and up to the 1900 road on Wilderness. Skiers right was fair to good, 4-6 with some wind packed but fun. Once they got 7 open you could get up to the top of Mtn Run and Wilderness. Upper parkway right side had some good Pow. I came prepared and skinned up approach, wind was roaring at the top of Little WF. No real snow on Upper Northway save the skiers left, the bottom 3rd however was excellent. My second skin up I hit Essex, same deal, skiers left was good but the rest was blown clear. Both trips I headed over to Lower Skyward which was quite good. They hadn't groomed so there was deep snow with buried bumps, took left and right side but the skiers left was probably the better run. Lots of work for some fun but worth it. Notice on the WF website today they are reporting 3" in the past 3 days, for once I think they got it right. Talked to some folks from Tupper Lake, sounds like they got a lot more, about a foot. Looks like lake effect/wrap around from the storm hit St Lawrence county and western Franklin county, not much farther east of there.
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Re: WF 2/25/12

warp daddy
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Well Titus ( Franklin county)  got 26 inches from the latest storm  and skiing Friday and Yesterday was superb .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: WF 2/25/12

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there was way, way more than 3-inches on Upper Cloud, Slide 5 and in the woods on Sunday.  Way, way more....  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Whiteface 2/25/12

In reply to this post by endoftheline
seems like anyplace but whiteface was the place to be this weekend
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: WF 2/25/12

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In reply to this post by ScottyJack
I was curious if anyone skied there that day. I was there and left. I got a raincheck good through next season. I should have skied Titus, my GPS seemed unaware of the smaller places in the Daks. I ended up not skiing that day. I was depressed, wait all year for snow, choose the wrong place, not ski at all on such a gorgeous day. My first visit ro MRG today cured all that, far from depressed today! I'll be skiing Sugarbush tomorrow. Should be worlds better than my first visit there a month ago.
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Re: Whiteface 2/25/12

In reply to this post by freeheeln
freeheeln wrote
seems like anyplace but whiteface was the place to be this weekend
Really?  I know quite a few people that would differ on that opinion..

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Whiteface 2/25/12

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Re: Whiteface 2/25/12

I love that spot, skiers left of.................Nice!
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Re: Whiteface 2/25/12

Wow, looks like I should have waited out the wind holds, sweet. I heard the slides opened Monday?
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Re: Whiteface 2/25/12

Slides opened today, too.  Thinking on taking the chance and driving up tomorrow.  Found a guy nearby I can rent avy gear from.  Even if the Slides don't open again, the whole mountain is open.  Probably should go now, before the weather changes......