Whiteface 3-21-15 (Slides 1, 2, 3 & 4)

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Whiteface 3-21-15 (Slides 1, 2, 3 & 4)

Glade Runner
Banned User
This post was updated on .

Slides not open yet but, it's still early.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Hope you get lucky!  Great pics
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User
Got a line of bs from ski patrol.  Low visibility, so it won't open.   But they are having an avalanche training class in there and they can go in.  I asked if I could sign up for the class as I have the gear.  He said no.  If they don't open, I will never come back to this shit hole.  What shitty coverage.  Grass exposed, ice everywhere.  Actually better than some other days I've been here.  140 inches compared to 317 tomorrow.  I'll keep lurking near the entrance to the slides just in case.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User
Conditions report said they opened 10 min ago.  Headed up.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User

Rode slide 2.  Headed back in.  Not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.  Sure there are sick lines but the snow is nice.  About to drop in 2b.

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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Cool, glad you got to ski them.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User

Got slide 3 done.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User
Check slide 1 off the list.  Headed back to hopefully check off slide 4 from the list before they close up.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User

Finished Slide 4.  You guys sure talked these up.  I've rode gnarlier shit.  
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
Glade Runner wrote
I will never come back to this shit hole.  What shitty coverage.  Grass exposed, ice everywhere.
Anyone else?
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User
bumps wrote
Glade Runner wrote
I will never come back to this shit hole.  What shitty coverage.  Grass exposed, ice everywhere.
Anyone else?
That was before I got into the slides.  Haha
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User
It's nice riding on snow that hasn't been trampled by tens of thousands of people a week.  The snow in the slides was powder/packed powder.  Pretty nice.  The trails is what I was referring to and a couple glades we did before the slides opened.  Very thin cover in spots.  There was ice of course but, not as bad as I have seen in the past.

Look at this windswept trail of shit.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Thanks for the nice shots. Which slide was your favorite?
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Upon following your posts, you seemed pretty angry before the slides opened...so what's your overall report on today?
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User
In reply to this post by x10003q
Well we were headed for slide 1 first but, someone warned us of a waterfall lol so we went to slide 2 following suggestion 2 was better.  When we knew we were fighting time we rushed slide 1 quick so we could get back up for slide 4 before 2pm and not waste the time traversing 4 when fighting the time.  I liked slide 1 best because it was wide open.  It had a wide waterfall but, it was easily passable after scoping it out.  But, when we did slide 4, I liked that even better.  It was a lot tighter which I'm used to and had a few mandatory drops.  You could minimize the one drop I showed in the picture to a few feet.  But, the snow was best and seemed thickest.  It felt more like a steep narrow glade more than a slide.  It was fun.  I got a little testy when I thought we went for nothing but, was glad to do something that has been on my list of things to do for quite a few years.  It didn't get my heart pumping like I thought it would but, but was still pretty gnarly and a good experience.  I think there is too much hype to the slides.  Maybe they would be crazy if it was avalanche prone snow.  But, then it wouldn't be open right?  Now to start tomorrow off on Green Beret.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User
In reply to this post by ADmiKe
I<3ADK wrote
Upon following your posts, you seemed pretty angry before the slides opened...so what's your overall report on today?
You've got to understand I live about 5 hours away and it's very difficult to catch them open for me.  I've been given runarounds from people on the mtn many times which made it even more difficult.  Once they were open but, the gear was required.  I got the gear so that would never be an issue again.  This time it wasn't required.  But, also seems like I caught it on a good condition day that was easier than some other conditions.  The visibility was poor but, we took it careful as is normal for new terrain at this level.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Where ya headed with 317" just curious who's got that
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User
I<3ADK wrote
Where ya headed with 317" just curious who's got that
As of now it's up to 320".  I'm headed to Jay the next 4 days.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

Glade Runner
Banned User
Whiteface really worked well and fit nicely with our preplanded trip.  Saved us from a long drive up that morning like we usually do.
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Re: Whiteface 3-21

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
Glade Runner wrote
I've rode gnarlier shit.
Yeah, that awesome cliff drop you posted earlier in the season is so much more rad.....
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!