Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

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Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

ScottyJack wrote
WF should stay open fully through first week of April and then consider Fri-Mon schedule shooting to make at least the second weekend in April.  

People purchase season passes based on length of season, regardless if they start spring activities downstate and stop coming up during the best skiing of the year!  

WF should also consider:

Close gondola first.  

Run Facelift, Little Whiteface, Summit and Lookout Chairs.  No one wants to ski lower mtn when the snow goes to mush.  

Spring Hours.  9:30 lower mtn/10:00 upper mtn.  Staying open later

Whiteface Snow Report wrote
 The Cloudsplitter Gondola is closed for the season, Lookout Chair will be closed Monday through Wednesday.
They did just what he said except for changing the hours.  I think Lookout closed last year on 4/6, but they are keeping it open Thursday-Sunday at least this weekend this year.  Last year they ran the gondola and facelift the last weekend which was unnecessary, but this year, only Facelift is running as well as Little Whiteface and the Summit chairs.

I might be headed there this weekend considering the amount of terrain open.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack


It's a mait issue shutting the Gondi down.  I agree this makes way more sense for spring skiing though which many of us gave been saying for years.  If it wasn't for the issue the Gondi would be running so tourist could see the view.

Scotty would make an awesome ski area GM if he wasn't out saving the environment

Sno PM me if you do come up.  My son and I will take some runs with you and Snodad
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

Peter Minde
Only slightly off topic, however this is the first year I can remember that ORDA is keeping Mt van Hoevenberg open after the end of March.  Thank you ORDA,
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

I haven't been on Lookout since 2013, so if it's open and the weather is nice, I'm definitely going.  My dad and I always do one last weekend trip in April after Hunter is shut down.  Hunter is open that weekend, but my dad is on a business trip the next weekend, so we're going a week earlier.  We love Whiteface in the spring and often try and ski it.  How much snow is on Wilmington and Hoyt's now?  Would it definitely last till the weekend?
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

Skied WF this past Sat and Sun (see Conditions thread).  Wilmington had the best snow on the hill.  Be careful of random bolders mid-trail, not sure if coming off the cliff, or "up".  They were in the flats mid way down. Both WT and Hoyts in great shape from a coverage perspecitive.  Each day the forecasted rain this week is decreasing so just the Friday warmth to be concerned with.
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

In reply to this post by snoloco
I haven't skied Wilmington Trail in over a month to the bottom so I'm not too sure how thin it's getting.  The bottom can go fast with warm rain.  LOB is well covered.  Maybe then can run it just to there?
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

The coverage on Wilmington was very good top to bottom on Saturday.  Those rocks in the snowpack are a little annoying.  Boreen (which it feeds into) had some bare spots and is getting thin, but I'd bet it all makes it through the weekend.  Hoyt's and Lookout Below have full coverage.

Honestly, the only trail that surprised me Saturday was Paron's, with some rocks showing through and a couple of bare spots here and there.

Coverage is very good for this time of year, but it goes quick when the 60 degree temps come.  Should be a great spring weekend though, too bad I can't make it up.  If I were a betting man I'd wager we see Fri/Sat/Sun operations for a while longer after this weekend.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

In reply to this post by Hoser
Hoser wrote
Skied WF this past Sat and Sun (see Conditions thread).  Wilmington had the best snow on the hill.  Be careful of random bolders mid-trail, not sure if coming off the cliff, or "up".  They were in the flats mid way down. Both WT and Hoyts in great shape from a coverage perspecitive.  Each day the forecasted rain this week is decreasing so just the Friday warmth to be concerned with.
with spring melt some rocks get washed off the ridge band skiers right especially the vertical band just past lookout below.  its a good karma builder to stop once in awhile and toss a few off the trail.  

As temps go up this week be sure to ski the north facing trails off approach.  they will hold the "sweet" corn.  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack
As well they should.

And personally I think the planet will come in handy in the future. So thanks for your efforts there SJ.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
SJ by North facing, if you are referring to Essex/U Northway/U Empire, all marked as closed today.  On Sunday, U Essex was poor, but bottom half OK.  U Northway looked horrible from the bottom of it (L Northway was great). Empire bare at the bottom.   Have to move over to Mac/Wilderness/Mt Run they should be fine this weekend
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
The coverage on Wilmington was very good top to bottom on Saturday.  Those rocks in the snowpack are a little annoying.
Wilmington was still well-covered on Sunday—and "forgiving." Did hit a softball-sized rock mixed up in the snow somehow, though.

JTG4eva! wrote
Honestly, the only trail that surprised me Saturday was Paron's, with some rocks showing through and a couple of bare spots here and there.
On Sunday, Paron's had a few icy chunks, perhaps from grooming, but coverage was otherwise excellent—no bare spots and no rocks from what I saw. Could have been those "snow tornadoes" blowing stuff in from elsewhere.
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

In reply to this post by Hoser
Hoser wrote
SJ by North facing, if you are referring to Essex/U Northway/U Empire, all marked as closed today.  
yes.  when its 50 they wont be so "firm"
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

Parons faces west so the late afternoon sun can melt it quick now that the sun is getting stronger
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

Today was perfect.  Just frikin' perfect!
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Re: Whiteface Listened to ScottyJack

I'll be there this weekend.  Looking forward to it.
I've lived in New York my entire life.