Whiteface or Gore 1/14/12

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Whiteface or Gore 1/14/12

I am deciding tonight which mountain I should ski tomorrrow, do we think Whiteface did better in the snow department this evening?
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Re: Whiteface or Gore 1/14/12

Certainly is a classic WF vs Gore decision:

Storm, NCP, followed by lake enhanced snow and wind.  

Seems pretty definite that WF got more snow after the change over than Gore.

(WF website is reporting 3" but it has to be more than that right? Anyone know?)

One thing is for sure, we'll know the answer tomorrow night.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Whiteface or Gore 1/14/12

I am locked in Gore for Sunday, so its either I do back to back days at Gore or try a face day.  Gore is around 40 min and the face maybe 1:15.  Haven't been to face yet this year, I do *think* they got more snow today but will it be too cold and windy?
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Re: Whiteface or Gore 1/14/12

Having skied Gore on Thursday and Whiteface Friday I'm thinking surface conditions are going to be similar.  Both mountians got a nice coating of snow the last couple of days with rain mixed in the middle of the action.  Whiteface most likely got more snow during the second wave based on what I saw.  Both mountains also have been buffeted by high winds which scoured off a lot of the fresh snow on the upper trails.  The skiing on both mountains was very good and even the top of Gore wasn't horrible even though it was pounded by the winds.  The wind also prevented Whiteface from ever opening the summit on Friday and eventually caused the gondola to be shut down.  Both mountains are also going to be very cold with Whiteface obviously being the colder of the two.  On one gondola ride I was with two locals who were debating Sat/Sun, and although they both sounded like diehards they both were very hesitant about hitting the mountain either day because of the cold and wind and were leaning towards midday visits if they were going to go at all.  Hope this is of some help.
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Re: Whiteface or Gore 1/14/12

I haven't checked the weather yet, but if the winds are going to be gusty today, WF has more of a tendency to suffer wind holds.  
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Re: Whiteface or Gore 1/14/12

Well, checking the weather...the temperature is zero in lake placid and the website isn't reporting additional snow.  Gore it is.
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Re: Whiteface or Gore 1/14/12

In reply to this post by CMR
well as an old time ski patroller once said, "Skiing is a cold weather sport."  So here we go!!

OK so the wind is effecting upper mtn.....
I ride with Crazy Horse!