From the Whiteface Facebook album, for the non Crackbook users.
Hi Everyone,
With all the snow we’ve gotten this year we’ve been getting a lot of questions about when the slides will open. Here is the latest.

A crew of five ski patrollers well versed in backcountry safety and avalanche awareness enter the slides at about 11am Saturday February 26th.

Armed with beacons, probes and shovels they hoped to open the slides to the public later that day.

After digging pits at the top to test the snows stability they preceded down slides 1 & 2 continuing to check the stability of the snowpack.

Just above the waterfall on slide 1 a small section of snow broke loose. As it cascaded over the falls it gained strength.

The resulting avalanche ran itself out more than a quarter mile down the trail were slides 1-5 converge and skiers exit to Slide Out.

The slide, seen here, was classified as a R3 D2. The R refers to relative size and is measured on a 1-5 scale 5 meaning that the avalanche encompassed all the available terrain. The D refers to the avalanches destructive power on a similar scale.

So long story short the snowpack is still unstable so it might be awhile before we are able to open the slides. Here is a link to more information on the avalanche raging scale