Who are the HARDCORE Eastern Skier Women?

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Who are the HARDCORE Eastern Skier Women?

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Got this note from Alex at Ski The East:


One of our new columns is about the tough ladies.

I have copied Allison who writes it. Her 2nd rendition comes out this week.

This was the first: http://www.skitheeast.net/posts/id/569099439/chasing-ponytails-the-shermanator-of-ktown

Got anyone you know who skis hard in your neck of the woods? Must be some good ones over yonder…

Let us know and Allison will track em down and tell their story.


Who to nominate?  PDQ? Elaine Supp? Pants? Who?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Who are the HARDCORE Eastern Skier Women?

You know how they say that the women are smarter? Well, all the good skiers I knew moved west. :)
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Re: Who are the HARDCORE Eastern Skier Women?

In reply to this post by Harvey
I definately agree that Barb Marshall who is noted in the article is as hard core as it gets for a chick on sticks.  I used to ski with Barb quite a bit when I used to work at Pico and Killington.

Aleks Smith the snow sports school director of Whiteface had a baby in the fall and tried out and made PSIA-E's Dev team in the spring.  That is hard core!
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Re: Who are the HARDCORE Eastern Skier Women?

you might want to get ahold of pants.   If hardcore means shes likely to three minute rule a most people she is your she.
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Re: Who are the HARDCORE Eastern Skier Women?

Kathy Brennan comes to mind.    PSIA Examiner.   Had a recent unsucessful bid for the 2012-2016 National team.   She's fun, and based on the few times I have actually seen her ski...rocks.     PSIA about 26 yrs..   Current Member of PSIA Eastern Team.    Home Mountain:  Waterville Valley, NH.    

New Yorkers:

Mermer Blakeslee   (PSIA Examiner)      Wrote "Yikes Zone"   Crazy awesome skier and teacher.  I believe her home mountain is Windham NY.    Skis as effortlessly as a butterfly flies on a warm summer day.    

Local NYer:

Gail Setlock (PSIA Examiner)   Home Mountain GORE.    Only watched her ski while she was teaching "steep and deep" or Mogul lessons.  But from what I saw, bet she can rip it up when she is free wheeling.    

I have more, but feel these three fit a nice spectrum of what the writer may be looking for.