Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

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Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

Trying to get a better idea of the people who claim to be ski fanatics.   I am at about 10 this year.  

I see some of the people who post a lot but I don't think they ski, So buellers who posts here but has not been out?
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

Glade Runner
Banned User
13 so far
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

In reply to this post by tjf1967
I'm at 7, but this is my busy time of year. I crank things way up after the Holidays.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by tjf1967
I'm at 14 days, but my skiing usually peaks in Feb-Mar when I ski 4 (or more) days a week.

I'd imagine that if someone hasn't been out yet, they'd be a little embarrassed about posting it in this thread (especially because you appear ready to pounce on them).
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

I think we know who they are.  I'm just seeing if they will step up and explain spending a decent amount of there time on a ski forum when they don't actually ski.  
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
I have 8 days in but could be double that. It just gets old skiing 2 or 3 trails.

I'm thinking there is one person on here who hasn't been assassinating anything yet...
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
so its the amount of days that make you a ski fanatic. i get about 10-15 days in a year. they are all good snow quality days, usually the day of or after a storm. I’m sorry but I don’t consider bombing showcase a day of skiing. Today’s rain makes missing the last storm all that more painful. and its zero days so far.
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

MC2 5678F589
sig wrote
I’m sorry but I don’t consider bombing showcase a day of skiing.
Huh. What do you call it? Bowling? Golf?

Saw some pics from people who are skiing in the rain today. Still looks fun to me (for a couple of hours).
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

Benny Profane
Not me, but, I'm making it up with two or three months starting late January.

It's a good year out there, both east and west.
funny like a clown
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

Glade Runner
Banned User
In reply to this post by sig
sig wrote
so its the amount of days that make you a ski fanatic. i get about 10-15 days in a year. they are all good snow quality days, usually the day of or after a storm. I’m sorry but I don’t consider bombing showcase a day of skiing. Today’s rain makes missing the last storm all that more painful. and its zero days so far.
Id consider 10-15 high quality days a more serious skier.  Most people would be lucky to get that many good days a season even if they went a lot.
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
5 days lift serviced

Snowpack in the PNW is still pretty thin... 1st day hiking yesterday:
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

In reply to this post by sig
I guess not by definition, just getting an idea.  Something I learned a while ago living up here.  When the snow comes you know its going to change quick.  Way things out and make your choice.  If you choose not to go whining about the coulda shoulda woulda  will eat you up.

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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

In reply to this post by nepa
Poseur wanna-be here, as I've done nuthin' ski related but run my mouth on this forum yet this year.  I could try and shed my gaper status by blaming it on my broken foot, but that would be disingenuous.  If Harvey requests I will relinquish my board membership......

For a variety of reasons the real skiers in these here parts would likely scoff at, we won't be putting our WF season passes to use until after the new year.  

Question for you real skiers.....if your days/opportunities are limited, would you rather put days in from Thanksgiving to Christmas, or St. Patrick's Day to Easter?

We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

Question for you real skiers.....if your days/opportunities are limited, would you rather put days in from Thanksgiving to Christmas, or St. Patrick's Day to Easter?

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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
Question for you real skiers.....if your days/opportunities are limited, would you rather put days in from Thanksgiving to Christmas, or St. Patrick's Day to Easter?
Depends on the weather.  2 years ago, it felt like St Patrick's day on Christmas out here.  We had over 140 inches before Christmas.  This year has been the opposite.  Stevens Pass, which averages 450 inches per year, just opened last weekend with limited operations.  Up until last week, it had been a dismal early season.  In general, I would rather get my days in March, April and May.  
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

6th day today.
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

10 days for me. First post!
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

So... I thought this thread was for posers only.

Not sure ski days correlate.

I've got 9 days, and I am a poser.

Welcome MikeBikeSki.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

Poser? That's so 1993. I thought it was supposed to be gaper now. 3 days.
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Who has NOT been skiing yet this year.

In reply to this post by nepa
Got my 5th day in at belle yesterday.. 3 of which were powder days