Why do people Telemark?

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Re: Why do people Telemark?

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freed my heels for a few runs at blue mt peeyay's tele demo yesterday. they had their rental fleet out as part of their winter carnival. great sunny day for some slow deliberate turns on the crazy mile. not quite ready for patchouli and growing out my beard but it was definitely a challenge, helluva workout and great practice for some future bc adventures. thanks to jake and blue tele tribe for the demo and the stories!

btw, a few posts up someone asked about some light bc demos  and tours - see jay at garnet hill (http://www.garnet-hill.blogspot.com/) although i haven't made it up yet  i plan to one of these days. jay's a pa mtb'er and innovator (ewr bikes) of damn close to legend status and a great guy
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Re: Why do people Telemark?

gorgonzola wrote
freed my heels for a few runs at blue mt peeyay's tele demo yesterday. they had their rental fleet out as part of their winter carnival. great sunny day for some slow deliberate turns on the crazy mile. not quite ready for patchouli and growing out my beard but it was definitely a challenge, helluva workout and great practice for some future bc adventures. thanks to jake and blue tele tribe for the demo and the stories!

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp