Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

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Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

As someone who never skied Gore during the red gondola era, I also never skied Tannery below the current top ridge triple bottom terminal. I have been told by many old timers that it was a very, very flat run - though I never understood why it was marked blue then...the new gondola and bear mtn configuration has made getting to the base even easier and solved some of the issues that obviated the need for a runout to the base. Howeverm I've often wondered why Gore doesnt simply reopen the trail (even if only on natural snow). The trail is sitting there, why not use it?

The only reason I can think of why the trail hasn't been reopened is Gore's constitutionally-mandated mileage cap,which is obviously quite a good reason.  The mountain probably needed the mileage to acheive the interconnect, but does anyone know if that is actually the reason? Also, if the cap weren't in place, would a majority of people be in favor of reviving the run?
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

it is painfully flat. doesnt matter how much speed you carry, eventually you will run out of gas and have a looonnnngggggg skate out. id take riding up tr3 than skating my way out of that trail.

other than that my only other guess is that they keep some equipment stashed away off that road, dont want anyone playing on it?
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

They do open it at times.

I believe it is rated blue (vs green) because of the flatness.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?


It's not on the trail map, so I assumed it was closed permanently. Is that not the case?
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

CUontheslopes131 wrote
It's not on the trail map, so I assumed it was closed permanently. Is that not the case?
All I know is that one time at the end of the day, I saw that Pine Knot was still open, and I thought I could squeeze in another run off the Gondi. Down Pine Knot to Tannery and I noticed that the TR3 wasn't running.  I thought.... what?

Then I noticed it that there was no rope on Tannery.

Not sure what was up, but I went for it.  Condor is right, some skating was involved. I didn't mind it.  It was a nice sunny day.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

MC2 5678F589
It's actually not too bad. I did it a couple of years ago when I was late for lineup and the Topridge chair line was too long. It wasn't as bad as I remembered when I was a kid. Yeah, there's some skating, but it's probably on par with the Pipeline trail. Not horrible. It would be a nice little trail to have, just in case you need to get to the bottom quick.
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

When a Gore skier says its flat - beware.  You guys are the best skaters in the ski world.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

Coach Z wrote
When a Gore skier says its flat - beware.

Danger: risk of exercise ahead.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

I had to use it a couple years ago because when I came out of the woods the it was a ghost town at the Top Ridge lift, it wasn't running anymore.  The trail is pretty flat, but I didn't mind on that afternoon!

"Where does the time go?"

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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
Danger: risk of exercise ahead.
I have to do WHAT?

I ended up on it probably 8 years ago. On a snowboard. With minimal snow. It wasn't fun.
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

I'm curious, where does this come out at the base?
Does anyone have an old trail map that would show it's route?
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

Snowhunter wrote
I'm curious, where does this come out at the base?
Does anyone have an old trail map that would show it's route?
You can see it from the satellite view on Google maps. (yellow highlight)

Ski patrol uses it as an evacuation route. A few years ago, my daughter was skiing there and was hit by another skier at the bottom of Rumor. Patrol put her on a sled and took her down to the bottom of the Top Ridge chair. At that point, they told me to take the Top Ridge chair back up and meet them at MSA. They continued down to the base via the trail and apparently had someone on a snow-mobile meet them along the way to pull the sled down to the base lodge.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

Thanks for the info and pic Face4me.  I hope that your daughter was okay.
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

Snowhunter wrote
Thanks for the info and pic Face4me.  I hope that your daughter was okay.
She was fine ... more scared than anything else.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

In reply to this post by Face4Me
Face4Me wrote
Ski patrol uses it as an evacuation route. A few years ago, my daughter was skiing there and was hit by another skier at the bottom of Rumor. Patrol put her on a sled and took her down to the bottom of the Top Ridge chair. At that point, they told me to take the Top Ridge chair back up and meet them at MSA. They continued down to the base via the trail and apparently had someone on a snow-mobile meet them along the way to pull the sled down to the base lodge.
I remember that episode well
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

In reply to this post by Face4Me
 Tannery can also be a most excellent toboggan ride, if not by choice.

Step into the "Way-Back Machine" to early January 1988, cold, crisp, bluebird Sunday morning.  After three laps on bling-fast Hawkeye, my right knee pops like a bottle of Moet-Chandon, refusing to manage the washboard bumps.  People riding the old Double right over me even heard it and asked if I was OK.  "Yes" was my courageous reply as I sucked wind and managed a single left wedge-christie turn before my right knee gumbied.   Lets try one footed skiing down Lower Hawkeye, with my right leg flopping at obtuse angles in the air, til I succumbed to Laws of Physics and did the upside down backwards Penguin maneuver that so many Snowboarders favor in survival mode.

Observing from the intersection of Headwaters at the bottom of Lower Hawkeye are several Patrollers, as it was Certification Day.  One stated "He's never skied like that, he's hurt".  They promptly saved my bacon just before the last steep pitch of Hawkeye and got me in a toboggan.  (Thanks, Chuck)  Now the fun begins.

As it was Certification or whatever, it seemed like a good idea to have two candidates transport me to Base First Aid via Tannery, they could get signed off on.  A Senior Patroller would observe and assist, if necessary.  What could possibly go wrong?

Did I mention "bling-fast"?  Well Tannery back-in-the-day was not the broad avenue we currently enjoy on our way to Topridge base and the steep narrow pitch just before the Triple was a wee more than the newbies could negotiate.  The driver was braking for all he was worth, and lo and behold the tailgunner dropped the rope.  Here we go,at speed, sideways!

Did I mention a Senior Patroller would observe and assist?  Tom Shelly, Sr. swoops in out of nowhere, scoops the flailing tail rope and throws an NHL level hockey stop to save my sorry ass.    I'm not sure the candidates got their sign offs but Mr. Shelly always gets my handshake and thanks every time I see him.  

Ski you on the hill, but never on Tannery.

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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

64ER wrote
Tannery ...

Brother you should post more.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
Face4Me wrote
Ski patrol uses it as an evacuation route. A few years ago, my daughter was skiing there and was hit by another skier at the bottom of Rumor. Patrol put her on a sled and took her down to the bottom of the Top Ridge chair. At that point, they told me to take the Top Ridge chair back up and meet them at MSA. They continued down to the base via the trail and apparently had someone on a snow-mobile meet them along the way to pull the sled down to the base lodge.
I remember that episode well
I thought you might!!!
On the bright side, at least I was there and you didn't have to deal with it!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

In reply to this post by CUontheslopes131
It was permanently removed and you don't want to ski it. When it was open management just received lots of complaints. Not worth the hassle. It's also one more section that the patrol would need to sweep at the end of the day.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: Why not reopen Tannery to the base?

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
CUontheslopes131 wrote
It's not on the trail map, so I assumed it was closed permanently. Is that not the case?
All I know is that one time at the end of the day, I saw that Pine Knot was still open, and I thought I could squeeze in another run off the Gondi. Down Pine Knot to Tannery and I noticed that the TR3 wasn't running.  I thought.... what?

Then I noticed it that there was no rope on Tannery.

Not sure what was up, but I went for it.  Condor is right, some skating was involved. I didn't mind it.  It was a nice sunny day.
I suspect what happened is that you got behind sweep. That trail is not open for traffic from the triple down to the base area. However if you are a cross country skier or snowshoe'r you can go up in the opposite direction from the base (it starts between the poma and base first aide) at least as far as the old tannery foundation. You will see the bone piles along the way, used up equipment, olds gonfola cabins and some of the summer event equipment stored in there. Why was the rope down when you went there? What happens is that when the patrol comes through on sweep they drop that rope as well as many other "work road" ropes so the groomers and snow makers can go through and sometimes in the AM someone will forget to put it up but that is usually rare because the lift operators will catch that if Patrol does not. Although I have never asked, I suspect the main reasons why they don't open it is because there is a lot of snow mobile traffic on it, it is used as a snowshoe and cross country trail and it is ridiculously flat and Patrol would have to swing by it periodically. I never heard of the trail mileage limit, that would be an interesting topic to research in the Unit Management Plans on a rainy day and the house has already been cleaned.