I’m debating on using my free pass to magic tomorrow as a way to avoid the Epic Pass crowds on a holiday weekend. Will magic have a crazy long lines and be crowded or be relatively empty? My other option is to head to Okemo and hide out on the south face or summit glades runs. Should I save my magic passes for another day to savor the quiet without the crowds? Or go for it tomorrow?
A third option would be to stay home and clean my house but that would suck. |
The horse drinks tomorrow!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by NYSnowflake
There will be more people then usual perhaps but nothing like Okemo crowds. I feel safe in predicting that you will have fun. Have you read the fine print on your Magic pass though. I have two more Magic Days (1 Indy & 1 Champlain ski card) but they’re blacked out this weekend.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
I have owned a horse. Getting them to drink in the winter involves Herculean efforts like driving 35 minutes at midnight on Valentine’s Day during the 2018 cold snap to break ice in buckets and carry hot water in 5 gallon buckets down a flight of stairs and across the barnyard through snow and ice. They don’t always drink, and when they don’t drink they go to Rhinebeck Equine for emergency colic treatment, rack up a $7k vet bill and then die. Then you give up owning horses and take up skiing. I am not sure I get your joke. What am I missing? |
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In reply to this post by Brownski
My magic pass is a hand written gift certificate that doesn’t say anything about any blackout dates at all. I am tempted to go tomorrow but my husband wants to sleep in and try another day at magic. We’ll see. |
The cold will keep some people away. There’s always the green chair if the red’s line gets long. Better than going to Okemo.
I also think first chair will not be crowded because of the cold. Just a guess.
One thing about Magic, with no "upper mountain lifts" you'll be back in the main line after every run. Be very interesting to see what happens to the mega passes next year. Will people pay more for a good experience?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by NYSnowflake
I am so sorry this must have been terrible. I don't get the joke either.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by NYSnowflake
Dayum....for starters I love that story. Having horses, in a way, sounds a lot like having a boat! As to my comment, no offense intended! I’m glad you might get to Magic soon, given you didn’t go Thursday (as some of us advocated ![]()
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by Harvey
![]() What am I missing? You can lead a horse to water (i.e. encourage Snowflake to go to Magic Thursday), but you can’t make it drink (i.e. Snowflake didn’t go to Magic). So, now Snowflake goes to Magic tomorrow (i.e. drinks). It wasn’t a joke, it was friendly (I thought) use of colloquialism. Sheesh! I certainly didn’t mean invoke someone’s traumatic childhood memories of.....owning a horse.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
I won't be there, along with my massive crew, so, no, Magic won't be crowded.
funny like a clown
I wasn’t sure if the horse drinks tomorrow was more like “in other news, water is wet” i.e., yes it will be busy tomorrow... Or referring to something along the lines of leading a horse to water/leading a skier to Magic.
Anyway, no offense taken I was just confused. We’re definitely going to go to Magic soon but not today. My husband wanted to sleep in, and the Tuck It speed radar event made me think that today is not a great day to be out there with those folks. I really dislike skiing with the straightlining speed demons. Hopefully we get a little more snow soon and will go to Magic on a Saturday or Sunday instead of using our Epic Pass. |