Will the Whiteface Slides Open in 2014?

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Will the Whiteface Slides Open in 2014?

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How is the coverage at the WF slides? Any idea on the chances of them opening this year?
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Re: Whiteface slides

From the lift it doesn't look so great, but that doesn't mean much.  Lean year and all natural trails and glades are thin in spots.  Not entirely optimistic, but I don't know squat.  At least patrol (I'm assuming) has been in, as there are tracks heading in the entrance/traverse to the Slides.
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Re: Whiteface slides

Glade Runner
Banned User
It doesn't matter.  They will lie to you when you are there and tell you they are closed.  Then later you will see people riding over there.  You work your way over and then they officially close them for the day.  I still have yet to get into the slides but, any updates here would be nice.  The advantages of riding your home mountain.
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Re: Whiteface slides

a big wet snow storm would really help.  right now its a breakable crust with super weak layer all the way to the rock.  slough city.  exposed slides are presently def unstable.  hopefully we get some dense snow to help bond to the hard ice layer and stable it up some...

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Whiteface slides

ScottyJack wrote
a big wet snow storm would really help.  right now its a breakable crust with super weak layer all the way to the rock.  slough city.  exposed slides are presently def unstable.  hopefully we get some dense snow to help bond to the hard ice layer and stable it up some...
It's gonna take a lot of snow and the right conditions. The slides all over the Daks have been Avi prone for quite some time. Everyone who has any sense is waiting for spring corn.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Whiteface slides

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
Trust me you don't want to be in there when they are iffy.  In the past I had been some of the staff that were asked to ski cut it and in breakable crust conditons with thin spots those slides are some of the most difficult skiing will find anywhere and I don't mean fun difficult I mean survival skiing.  Patrol does an excellent job IMO of deciding when to open them.

There is some serious bad snow layers in the snow this season as SJ just laid out.  We are supposed to be getting some wet snow is just what the slides need but I don't think just one storm is going to be enough.  Heard on Open Snow there is another one behind this one though.

When they do open fully expect to see the requirement of beacon, probe and shovel and no b!tching about not having it.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Whiteface slides

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
Why would management want to lie about this?  The Slides are a big attraction (for the hardcore at least), I think if they can be opened safely they'd want to do it.

My limited experience with the slides is that patrol is pretty good at making the right decisions.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Whiteface slides

Agreed, I don't think they ever lie about the slides.  It's often a fluid situation.  There is no set opening time (when conditions permit they may make a call around 10:00), and when open they close by 2:00.  Sometimes they require beacon, probe and shovel, sometimes limited slides are open and patrol takes in guided groups, sometimes they are full on open to all with no restrictions.  Sometimes it requires patience and diligence to hit the timing.  Even when they are open they can close at a moments notice.  A few years back I was there in April when they were full on open, and ice in the falls gave way to a gusher and they shut down.  So there is a lot in play and sometimes it isn't easy getting in, but I don't think lying is part of that.
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Re: Whiteface slides

Glade Runner
Banned User
All I know is I asked an employee and was told it was closed.  Within a short time I saw the slides full of people and by the time I got there they were closed.  Just closed to because people were still riding them but the rope was up.  I don't get there often either so it is difficult to catch the right time.  I just figured they were lying to keep people out of there that weren't locals and save it for themselves.
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Re: Whiteface slides

In reply to this post by Skidds
Just hike up one in the high peaks......looks good

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Re: Whiteface slides

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
You either timed it wrong as they close at 2 at the latest or something happened.  A sled evac requires that they close them or the a waterfall burst free

No favorites at play here
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Whiteface slides

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by desovitch
The Slides are open.

Silver status, guided groups with beacon, shovel and probe.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Whiteface slides

yea just saw that on fb, headed to wf this weekend and would love to get into the slides. I could probably borrow avy equip but seems silly scary with no knowledge or skills if it were to really be required...
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Re: Whiteface slides

Over the weekend on FB i saw pic of someone i know rippin it up in there....

Sure looked sa_weet
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Re: Whiteface slides

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
gorgonzola wrote
yea just saw that on fb, headed to wf this weekend and would love to get into the slides. I could probably borrow avy equip but seems silly scary with no knowledge or skills if it were to really be required...

Maybe you can hook up w/ one of the AzzClowns to take you in there......my guess is it would cost you about 3 PBR's, 3 Girls Light, and some Vodka
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Re: Whiteface slides

campgottagopee wrote
gorgonzola wrote
yea just saw that on fb, headed to wf this weekend and would love to get into the slides. I could probably borrow avy equip but seems silly scary with no knowledge or skills if it were to really be required...

Maybe you can hook up w/ one of the AzzClowns to take you in there......my guess is it would cost you about 3 PBR's, 3 Girls Light, and some Vodka
I like the terms  if anybody's around and interested i'll be skiing with the wife this weekend and would definitely be interested in breaking a way for a bit, if the slides are in play I say bonus
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Re: Whiteface slides

Hmmm.....was going to let the boys hunt diamonds in ski school on Sun, but maybe I should move that up to Sat to free myself up.
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Re: Whiteface slides

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
Probably looking at some crappy conditions unless there's new snow(a little is forecasted) or it's warm(which isn't forecasted). With the high March sun and the aspect those have probably wouldn't be that pleasant on a bunch of old crusty snow
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Re: Whiteface slides

Headed up tonight to ski fri/sat/sun - anyone interested in getting together for a few runs and/or beers text or call six 10 nine 7 two43two 7
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Re: Whiteface slides

Who skied em today?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp