Woodstream opens 1/15/16

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Woodstream opens 1/15/16

Ethan Snow
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This is my fifth season running Woodstream.  Being able to ski by mid January had become an expectation. My original plan for this season was to do the same as other years— Make a few piles of snow for building jumps, and covering steep spots, and Mother Nature will take care of the rest. Although she did finally provide the snowmaking temps, she has only provided a few skimpy inches of snowfall this season.

While spending some time skiing with Harvey last week, he said to me, "What is your proposed opening date? Your customers are eager to get on your slopes." I replied, "I'm not sure at this point, I really need at least  a few inches of snowfall to use the lift." I already had quite a bit of snow down and what he said to me really got me pumped up. I figured I would build a terrain park for my friends even if I couldn't run the lift.  I did it!

All the hard work was definitely worth it. My friend Eamon said to me last night "I was getting really depressed since I couldn't afford a season pass this year, and there was no natural snow.  Thank you for providing snow for me this year!" Today I skied at Plattekill, and I was greeted by Laszlo saying, "I see you have some terrain open, that's awesome!" The whole reason I run Woodstream is because of the smiles it puts on people's faces. It was a marginal start, but there's more snow and more features coming this week! I'm optimistic that Mother Nature is going to send us some goodies in the near future. Until she does, I'm quite content with this! I think skiing on snow you made yourself feels better than any other snow. My brother spent this time using his camera skills, and pulled off an awesome edit.

Have a watch! And stay tuned we have more in store for next week.
<nabble_embed>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxCND6GhPgE</nabble_embed> Not sure if that worked, so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxCND6GhPgE
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Woodstream opens 1/15/16

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Woodstream opens 1/15/16

In reply to this post by Ethan Snow

Very cool
"No Falls=No Bslls
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Re: Woodstream opens 1/15/16

It's not a business plan, it's a labor of love.

When Irving Langmuir and Vincent Schaefer picked North Creek as the site for their first ski train they had a no snow year, but after that - look where it has gone.

Good luck to you and here's hoping for a change in the weather.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Woodstream opens 1/15/16

Ethan Snow
You're absolutely right about that my friend! And when Woodstream grows, I already have a new location picked out just a few miles away, with higher elevation, and more room for expansion.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Woodstream opens 1/15/16

Ethan Snow
In reply to this post by Harvey
Thank you Harvey.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Woodstream opens 1/15/16
