Wounded Warrior Sighting at Greek Peak

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Wounded Warrior Sighting at Greek Peak

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Nice to formally meet you today Camp. I figured we must have met before. When you're there as much as the two of us, it's hard not to cross paths, especially at Orion's. Sorry we'll have to wait till next season to make some turns together. Looking forward to your chair 5 party next weekend. I hope Ullr sends us a little present before then. The loss of snow from last weekend is shocking. Mars was skiable all the way to the chair on skier's right last weekend, brown all the way down this. Hats of to Greek for bumping your pass till next season, shocking. Well, so far you couldn't pick a better season to be laid up. You'll be ready by next season, no doubt. Who knows, it may actually snow next year. Saw a motorcycle on the way home today, it just ain't right. This is traditionally one of the coldest weeks of the year, or should be.
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

work on your timing CampPP.  You are def gonna be stepping up!!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

In reply to this post by Cornhead
Cornhead wrote
Nice to formally meet you today Camp. I figured we must have met before. When you're there as much as the two of us, it's hard not to cross paths, especially at Orion's. Sorry we'll have to wait till next season to make some turns together. Looking forward to your chair 5 party next weekend. I hope Ullr sends us a little present before then. The loss of snow from last weekend is shocking. Mars was skiable all the way to the chair on skier's right last weekend, brown all the way down this. Hats of to Greek for bumping your pass till next season, shocking. Well, so far you couldn't pick a better season to be laid up. You'll be ready by next season, no doubt. Who knows, it may actually snow next year. Saw a motorcycle on the way home today, it just ain't right. This is traditionally one of the coldest weeks of the year, or should be.
Right on CH, was nice to finally meet and hang out. Def stop by over at 5, you can meet the whole crew and maybe Gorgonzola will be around too. We'll have all kinds of dead deer to eat and plenty of beerz....GO G-MEN!!
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
work on your timing CampPP.  You are def gonna be stepping up!!
You work on YOUR timing...I have God given talent, thank you very much
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

Noah John
Camp - are you gonna ski at all this year and get the surgery in the Spring (is that an option?  can you even ski right now or is the knee too unstable?) or are you just gonna get it out of the way ASAP?
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

Noah John wrote
Camp - are you gonna ski at all this year and get the surgery in the Spring (is that an option?  can you even ski right now or is the knee too unstable?) or are you just gonna get it out of the way ASAP?
I'd like to get it out of the way ASAP. Wearing a brace and hobbling around like a drunkin' TJ  just aint my thang

There's no way I could ski right now, any angulation on that knee and I'm down.

All that said, a lot will depend on how this pre-hab goes. If the knee is stable I may ask Doc and PT what they think about skiing with a brace at WF. If there's ANY chance of a set back I wont be on the slopes....crew is pretty psyched about getting dropped off at the front door any_A_ways...real nice guys they are

One thing for sure is no matter how "bad" the skiing is I really miss it. I mean, crow hunting IS really cool and tons of laughs but can't hold a candle to rippin'
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

Noah John
Kinda sucks 'cus I didn't get to ski with you guys last year because I was laid up.  Shoes on the other foot this year I guess.  Oh well - there's always booze.
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

Totally sucks...U can ski with the other nut jobs, they're a hoot....we'll hang tho....banged up knee can't stop me from having a good time, or kickin some Scotty AZZ on the Fooz!!!
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

Noah John
There's a table in the Cloudspin Lounge this year.  Buy scotty a beer or so and the next thing you know he's gonna want to bet you a $1000 that he can score 10 times in a row using his goalie.  Left handed.  While blindfolded and hopping on one leg.
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

Scotty will be drinking all right...fooz isn't meant for the sober
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
There's a table in the Cloudspin Lounge this year.  Buy scotty a beer or so and the next thing you know he's gonna want to bet you a $1000 that he can score 10 times in a row using his goalie.  Left handed.  While blindfolded and hopping on one leg.
umm, I'm actually left handed so that doesn't make any sense...

when Eli wins his second superbowl on Sunday we'll see who thinks the five superbowl rings was such a bad bet!!!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

Noah John
ScottyJack wrote
when Eli wins his second superbowl on Sunday we'll see who thinks the five superbowl rings was such a bad bet!!!
Dude, if the Giants win you should throw yourself at BJB's mercy and offer him a $250 to get out of the bet.  If the Giants lose you should offer him $500.  

No QB has ever done what you bet him Eli will do.  That wager was ill-advised.
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

Noah John wrote
That wager was ill-advised.
that wager was proposed while under the influence!  But I'm holding out!  Eli has at least 9 seasons left....  That's a looong time.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

Noah John
ScottyJack wrote
   That's a looong time.
That's your only hope.  Not that Eli will win 5 in that time (he couldn't do that if he had twenty years) but that BJB will pass on to that Big Steinhoff's in the Sky.
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
Noah John wrote
That wager was ill-advised.
that wager was proposed while under the influence!  
Alcohol is not a toy, use it don't abuse it.
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

haha - you funny! funny looking!!!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

In reply to this post by Noah John
BJB is the smartest man in the north country. he just sits in his throne and you all flounder around at his feet trying to hand him money.
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

Now, now - the smartest man in the NC???  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Cornhead wrote
Nice to formally meet you today Camp. I figured we must have met before. When you're there as much as the two of us, it's hard not to cross paths, especially at Orion's. Sorry we'll have to wait till next season to make some turns together. Looking forward to your chair 5 party next weekend. I hope Ullr sends us a little present before then. The loss of snow from last weekend is shocking. Mars was skiable all the way to the chair on skier's right last weekend, brown all the way down this. Hats of to Greek for bumping your pass till next season, shocking. Well, so far you couldn't pick a better season to be laid up. You'll be ready by next season, no doubt. Who knows, it may actually snow next year. Saw a motorcycle on the way home today, it just ain't right. This is traditionally one of the coldest weeks of the year, or should be.
Right on CH, was nice to finally meet and hang out. Def stop by over at 5, you can meet the whole crew and maybe Gorgonzola will be around too. We'll have all kinds of dead deer to eat and plenty of beerz....GO G-MEN!!
man would like nothing better than pre gaming at #5 with a few veni spedies and beers with the a18 gang but one major ingredient seems to be missing
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Re: Wounded Warrior Siting at Greek Peak

gorgonzola wrote
man would like nothing better than pre gaming at #5 with a few veni spedies and beers with the a18 gang but one major ingredient seems to be missing
I ride with Crazy Horse!