I.CANT.WAIT.!!!!!!!!!! im getting the itch to ski, movie trailers are coming out and being back at the ski shop really isnt helping. anyways just wanted to share a pic of some of the new stuff and wondering if anyone was getting anything new this year? volkl, line, and k2 are in the pic, salomon came in the other day. still waiting for rossignol and goode.

ya ya ya crappy cellular device picture, i know. haha
this year im very fortunate to be working with the NE nordica rep as well as our smith optics rep so i will be rocking them. skis will most likely be nordica enforcers mounted with marker dukes and possibly patrons, also mounted with dukes.
boots....not sure yet, need to try a few more on.
helmet goggles will be smith vantage with IO and prophecy googles.
not entirely sure yet about outerwear, my jacket and pants are getting pretty beat so will most likely be getting something new, just havent figured out what.