count down to Hoyt's

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count down to Hoyt's

Starting snowmaking on Wilmington Trail today.  That normally takes a week but with the natural snow we have maybe that is shorter.  So maybe Hoyt's for MLK weekend or a few days before that?
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

Hey Coach,

I'm gonna bet the house on Hoyt's be4 MLK!!!!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

agreed as long as the weather stays cold - not looking good next week
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

Looked boney but fun today. I'd like to ski it one day.
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

skiers right was not boney at looked primo!
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

The deer were chewing on the grass!
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

Probably cant see skiers right unless you were on lookout lift. Tucked against trees and looking sweet!
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
Hey Coach,

I'm gonna bet the house on Hoyt's be4 MLK!!!!

Hopefully, but it will be a close call now.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

I don't think it will even be close now. Way to much tune up work on other trails after 3 days of spring.
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

I think its a safe bet to say no freaking way now...too much recovery on rest of mtn, including w trail.
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

Wilmington must be a brown ribbon right now.
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

Opened today, pics on Facebook look SWEET!

ORDA and New England Passholder. If it's fast, it's probably fun.
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Sunday River: 4
Loon: 2
Hunter: 1
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

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"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: count down to Hoyt's

MC2 5678F589
That looks pretty nice . . .