glade cleanup

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Re: glade cleanup

this year platty, magic and MRG had glade cleanup days. with gore's low seasonal snowfall, it's even more important to clear blowdown. this is not about cutting new glades. it's about clearing the forest floor of debris so a widow maker doesn't cut your legs off. i hope gore gets on the bandwagon with a gore brigade next year.
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Re: glade cleanup

Adk Jeff
Hickory has had a number of glade/trail clean-up work days this fall.  Here's the announcement for the next date, this Saturday:

We have a work day scheduled, Sat Nov. 17th.
We are continuously looking for assistance. Ridge Run/Winters run is going to be the focus.  
The crew will meet at 8 am on the deck of the lodge and will be finished by 1:00. Be sure to bring sturdy boots, work gloves, water, lunch, appropriate tools, and a vivacious attitude.
In addition to seeing our trails take shape and meeting other hard working individuals who enjoy playing/working in the woods, volunteers also receive a complimentary day pass voucher or credit toward a season pass for each day they work.
Please email if you are planning on attending: