good days vs bad days

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good days vs bad days

outlaw 1
as i was driving home today from the mt,looking at all the grass and snow barrin landscape,i still couldnt help too think this hasnt been that bad of a season,for me it was ski day 37 ,all at gore,and other than a few days early season days, i havnt had a really bad day out yet,some better than others,but none so bad that it sucked..sure it could b way better but if your sitting home waiting for those snow days,your missing out on some pretty good skiing.
 so i was just wondering how the season has been for others.i saw a post of worst season ever,that may b snow wise,but there were some pretty good days,and it is what it is ,so get out there and enjoy,cause the season just got 1 day shorter.
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Re: good days vs bad days

ive been up  to gore all week not a bad day this week. granted we have had to work at things abit  but we ve gottin into some real nice snow conditions. is it our normal stuff - not by any means but doesnt make it any less fun.anybody now how many gnar points for getting back to the mountain in the back of a pickup? that theres fun stuff
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Re: good days vs bad days

In reply to this post by outlaw 1
I've skied Whiteface every weekend since Thanksgiving except one, and I've only had one weekend that I thought was really bad ... the weekend of the Chevy 4000 ticket giveaway!!!

EVERYTHING was genuinely icy that weekend ... not crust or hard-packed, but actual pond ice. I took very few runs that weekend. I'm sure part of it was due to the fact that given the limited amount of snow, and the huge crowd, everything got skied off VERY quickly.

Other than that, I've thought most weekends there's been something decent. Not to say it's been great, but given the weather, I haven't really had too much to bitch about.

My glass remains ... half full!!!
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Re: good days vs bad days

I’ve had a great season!  I drive up to Gore and look at all the brown ground and I am amazed at the wonderful white snow blanketing Gore.  We all had such high hopes of an epic ski season when it started out with a record breaking October snow storm.  Then our season just fizzled.

I look at it this way: I have not wasted one minute of my life shoveling the driveway yet I have had some glorious full days at Gore.  

If the season ends early, I’ll be disappointed but it’s obvious that this is a most unusual season that has to be met with unusual decisions on the part of Gore management.

It might be a Pollyanna attitude but the cliché that you can’t complain about the weather certainly seems to ring true.
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Re: good days vs bad days

Benny Profane
It was so cold Sunday, and the conditions were so, uh, lame, that I quit around 11:30. But, man, the K1 bar at Kmart makes the best Irish coffee, and the woman at the next table were so talkative, that, well, I could think of worse places to be.
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Re: good days vs bad days

In reply to this post by Face4Me
Face4Me wrote
I've skied Whiteface every weekend since Thanksgiving except one, and I've only had one weekend that I thought was really bad ... the weekend of the Chevy 4000 ticket giveaway!!!

EVERYTHING was genuinely icy that weekend ... not crust or hard-packed, but actual pond ice. I took very few runs that weekend. I'm sure part of it was due to the fact that given the limited amount of snow, and the huge crowd, everything got skied off VERY quickly.

Other than that, I've thought most weekends there's been something decent. Not to say it's been great, but given the weather, I haven't really had too much to bitch about.

My glass remains ... half full!!!
To tell you how good conditions must be this season (all things considered), the Chevy 4000 ticket giveaway is the only weekend I have been to Whiteface this year..............and it wasn't THAT bad.  Sure, there were some really sucky runs (Follies/Parons was horrendous) and things did get skied off in places, somewhat quickly, but we had a great time and there were some really good turns to be had.

I'm sure this weekend will be much better, or maybe I should say hope.....