With all the talk about the problems at GP it's reminded me. I've heard about a few old trails that have either been renamed or shut down. What were they? Also just curious but were the chair 2 towers ever added to? Thanks
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Ronnies Run is now called Aesop's Glade. The Electra (lookers left of Zues) is no longer an "official" trail so don't ski it
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Thanks for the reply. I had no idea that chair 2 was longer but it makes sense. the extended question wasn't clear and I apologize. What I should've asked was were the towers themselves always the same height? When I ride the lift and look at the base of the towers it appears that the lowest section of leg work may have been added at a later time?
Was the area under chair 2 ever not blocked off as it is now? I can't help but look at how the terrain is by that chair and think there's some "neat stuff" off to either side begging to be opened up a little. |
I think what you're looking at may be a repair and not actually making the tower taller, albeit I'm not 100% certain on that. Under 2 (atlas) used to be a great trail (still is, just don't get caught), but the issue was peeps were launching off that tower just be4 the last little headwall and getting pretty banged up so the blocked it off.
By cutting Hercules they ruined some of the best tree skiing on the hill. That trail, imo, would've been better left as a tree run....would hold snow much better than it does now. |
I'd never considered how Hercules altered that side of the hill but what you said makes a lot of sense. It's unfortunate that they had to block that trail off as well. Often times when I'm there with my son he and I will generally do laps in the chair 2, chair 4 area as it's generally less crowded and the terrain is a bit more fun.
you have it figured out
We're first chair sunday mornings (gorgonzola too if he drags his azz outta bed) around 7:30, lap chair 1 or hit the bottom of Ronnies until 9-9:30 when people start showing up then it's off to 2. If Ronnies is open we'll stay there until it get tracked out then over to 4. Chair 4, imo, has the best skiing on the hill when there's good snow. You have Zues and Hercules for some decent headwalls, Electra (remember that's not a trail ![]() ![]() |
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I could have sworn there was a trail between Castor and Ronnie's. Wasn't there one that zig-zagged back and forth?
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Just the maint. road....back when Atlas was open T2B the road was a trail
I've seen some of the kid's camp's use the maintenance road as a shortcut. I look forward to checking parts of it out this season. Here's hoping that we get a good winter!
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Never skied it before it was Hercules, but I couldn't agree more. Hercules is a weird trail. I truly only enjoy it in the Spring when it's corned up. The headwall is fun then. Or when it's dumped on.The rest of the time, it's usually just a sheet of ice, steep ice, sandwiched between flats. There are still some fun trees, conditions permitting, between Herc and Trojan. There was a Tee-Pee lean-to in there, I have heard it's gone. A lifty working chair 4 told me about it several years ago. He told me approximately where it was, I told him I'd find it, he laughed, and said, "You'll never find it." I skied to Hercs headwall, and hung a left onto the service road. I skied almost to Trojan, and dropped down, stopping every hundred feet or so to look for the Tee-Pee. I get back to the chair and the lifty says, "So, did you find it?" "No, but I will", I told him, he laughed. My next run I followed the same tact to locate the Tee-Pee. I had actually skied past it, when I heard some kids uphill of me. I watched as they cut across the hill and stopped, ah, that's where it is! ![]() ![]() Same lifty, different day. It looked just like a tree from uphill. It may have kept snow off of you, rain I think not. It was a cool place to burn one! ![]() ![]() Here's looking up "Electra", looks a little crusty here. It's fun when there's a storm...don't get caught! |