intermont ski area information

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intermont ski area information

This lost ski area intreages me more then any other ski area, and strikes me as a area that would have been better then any of the 4 cny areas, maybe coud have put greek peak out if it survived,

If you have any information or storys about it please post

Looking for
Curent owner
Experinces skiing their
Trail map

Would like to find out if it would ever be possable to get it open again, maybe as a holimont type area
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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Re: intermont ski area information


I remember my Dad skiing Intermont when I was a kid. Intermont was unique in that the parking and lodge were at the top of the hill and not at the bottom. I think it closed sometime in the early 70's???, but not 100% on that. Not sure of the exact timing but my guess is in the early 80's a retired sea captain, Captain Davey Jones, (he had a son that was a NASCAR driver) bought the place and used it as his primary residence. His kids/grandkids went to a local high school and he would spin the lifts for them and their friends whenever there was good snow. What a blast that must have been!!

I've never skied there, but have poached a few bass out of a pond on the property.

My understanding of the place now is that a group from NJ bought it and is using it as a hunting camp ---- I can tell you there's incredible hunting in that area, I used to hunt a 300 acre chunk right next door to Intermont.

From hearing my Dad and his buddies talk about the place I can't imagine if it had survived it could even hold a candle to GP. It wasn't very big and no where near the variety of terrain.
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Re: intermont ski area information

I skied here a few times as a young kid so I don't remember much.  Camp is right.  Intermont had nothing on Greek Peak.
Similar to Song they were open all night on Friday night and there were cots set up in the loft of the lodge.  Pretty cool.
Ski the East
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Re: intermont ski area information

In reply to this post by kenneywallace
I've done hiking in taylor valley by intermont, kinda know the area by the old ccc camp
Greek peak does have variety yes, though I prefer Labrador,  just like the famly type opperations better then the ones trying to be big, which greek realy is not, 950 vertical, 15 top to bottom trails plus many segments.... similar sized to labrador (yes some bigger)
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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Re: intermont ski area information

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Intermont was unique in that the parking and lodge were at the top of the hill and not at the bottom.
Like "Big Vanilla at Davos"!!!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: intermont ski area information

In reply to this post by kenneywallace
kenneywallace wrote
 strikes me as a area that would have been better then any of the 4 cny areas, maybe coud have put greek peak out if it survived,
Wrong. I skied it a few years ago..........tame
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Re: intermont ski area information

In reply to this post by Face4Me
Face4Me wrote
campgottagopee wrote
Intermont was unique in that the parking and lodge were at the top of the hill and not at the bottom.
Like "Big Vanilla at Davos"!!!
Had to google that, never heard of it before --- learning shit already this morning!
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Re: intermont ski area information

In reply to this post by kenneywallace
kenneywallace wrote
I've done hiking in taylor valley by intermont, kinda know the area by the old ccc camp
Greek peak does have variety yes, though I prefer Labrador,  just like the famly type opperations better then the ones trying to be big, which greek realy is not, 950 vertical, 15 top to bottom trails plus many segments.... similar sized to labrador (yes some bigger)
Lab is my second fav in CNY, but it's no where near the size of GP --- just sayin'

GP has never claimed to be big, just the best skiing and riding in CNY ---- and, uhm, it's been family owned and operated ever since it opened up in the 50's
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Re: intermont ski area information

64 vs 48 $, 950 vs 700 vertical, typical open trails at greek 15 by chair 1 and  4, lab about the same

Best glads- gp
Best learning to ski package- lab 6 lessons and once a week pass for 200
Shortest lif ride- (tripple at tog, about 6 minutes) , labs jacopie tripple, shorter lift line
Best snow making- lab hands down
Best dimond- olypian if its open, 2nd place- ptarmigian, open more, snowmaking
Best bunny slope-gp, lab has none
Best grooming-lab till they give up in march
Longest season- gp
Freindlyest lift workers-would have to say the old guys at lab
Best food-last run at lab or the foggy google at tog
Best all around trail- illiad at greek a blue- black trail (used to be blue), alchimine is decent, jacopie at lab is good aswell
Ski area with the dumbest investment- gp, a cny hill don't need a 4star resort, unless u build a champion gulf cource, and partner with local buisness to make a destination vacation ( light house landing river rafting, maybe some sort of fishing guide, some sort of bus to cortland for a night life ect))( maybe partner with lab or song for a 2for 1 stay and play winter package, would give some sort of edge)
Needs more improvments-gp, lab achives a low key fun place to ski,  greek has mpre expectations, lodge, marketing and all
Most protetial- gp by far, extend chair 4, build more trails (cny winters latly make glads seem pointless, all he glades in the world mean nothing without natraul snow)

Thing that could kill greek or lab- a  ski area with 500 vertical or so in ithaca or binghamton, on the city bus line, would steal away collage sudents and many city dwellers who now don't have to drive 40miles to use a season pass (or ride).. lift tickets about 30 $ or 20xwith a bus pass or student i d card,  150 $ season pass ,would probly be low key with 15 trails on a small hill but more convenant .. gp or lab would sufer as now their a secondary resort instead of the go to every day (speiacal ocasions)

Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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Re: intermont ski area information

Kinda like insbruck usa, but closer in,

Gp would be a better ski area by far, but a bus line ski area would be more convenant, like a local snow train for say
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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Re: intermont ski area information

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Re: intermont ski area information

campgottagopee wrote
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Re: intermont ski area information

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
This is one of yours that had me laughing out loud, and you didn't even say anything!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: intermont ski area information

In reply to this post by kenneywallace
My family  had a season pass there in the late 60s/early 70s. Great area, the most vertical of anything around. I have very fond memories of the place.  Hated to see it go.

The chair had a midstation where you could get on if you were not going all the way to the bottom.  My mother used this all the time.  The attendants had an intercom, and the guy at midstation would tell the attendant at the bottom if he had folks there, so they'd let some empty chairs through.

The last 200 feet or so of the chair, leading to the disembark point, was the highest in the area and among the highest I have seen.  Must have been 80 feet high at one point. HIGH disembark platform!
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Re: intermont ski area information

 Great area, the most vertical of anything around.
I'm curious...what is the vertical there?
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Re: intermont ski area information

1973 eastern Ski atlas says Intermont had 820 vertical
Ski the East
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Re: intermont ski area information

Chatiemac wrote
1973 eastern Ski atlas says Intermont had 820 vertical
Thanks. I guess if that's true they did have the most vertical around here.
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Re: intermont ski area information

pro2860 wrote
Chatiemac wrote
1973 eastern Ski atlas says Intermont had 820 vertical
Thanks. I guess if that's true they did have the most vertical around here.
Same site has Greek at 900

believe what you want
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Re: intermont ski area information

Good thread.  one of the few.  
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Re: intermont ski area information

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
pro2860 wrote
Chatiemac wrote
1973 eastern Ski atlas says Intermont had 820 vertical
Thanks. I guess if that's true they did have the most vertical around here.
Same site has Greek at 900

believe what you want
Hahaha...Touche...I KNOW what Greek is...will NEVER know for sure what Intermont is.