is snow skiing a sport?

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is snow skiing a sport?

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YES, skiing is the best sport in the world because you can be free in the air, speedy on steep slopes, and excited when landing off jumps.
Skiing is a sport. It takes alot of skill, balance and courage to ski.
Also olympics only do sports and skiing is in the olympics so well that just tells you right there.
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Re: is snow skiing a sport?

"Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life." -Otto Schniebs

Sports are defined by competition, rules, and organization. If you are competing or training to compete, skiing is a sport. If you are not competing or training to compete, it is outdoor recreation. There are varying levels of physical demand and prowess from couch potato to peak level. But without competition, rules, and organization, an activity cannot be considered a sport. Examples: hockey is a sport, skating is not, baseball is a sport, throwing a ball is not, etc. You can throw a ball or skate at a very high level, but in isolation without competitors and organization, these are physical activities not sports.
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Re: is snow skiing a sport?

I've spent most of my life skiing-the rest I just wasted.
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Re: is snow skiing a sport?

ausable skier
In reply to this post by riverc0il
I agree for most of the readers of this site it is a way of life but it also is a sport.  While there is not an external score aslo known as feedback there is tons of internal feedback.  How did a fun feel, how did the tracks look, how did it look to your buddies, were the turns carved or skidded?  I've alway working on something in my skiing striving to get better.  To ski your best you need to train ahead of time and practice to get better - To me that makes it a sport.
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
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Re: is snow skiing a sport?

ausable skier wrote
I agree for most of the readers of this site it is a way of life but it also is a sport.  While there is not an external score aslo known as feedback there is tons of internal feedback.  How did a fun feel, how did the tracks look, how did it look to your buddies, were the turns carved or skidded?  I've alway working on something in my skiing striving to get better.  To ski your best you need to train ahead of time and practice to get better - To me that makes it a sport.
For devil's advocate, you could substitute "painting" for skiing and change the specifics accordingly and your paragraph would read the exact same but would you still agree?
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Re: is snow skiing a sport?

Banned User
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In reply to this post by tomwatson

Ya'll are getting a little.....
tomwatson wrote
 excited when
......splitting hairs.

Not to make sport of your discussion, but they sell ski gear at "Sport's Page " and other fine sporting shops......
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Re: is snow skiing a sport?

Skiing is a sport. Tele-skiing is a variation of Zumba!
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: is snow skiing a sport?

Banned User
adkskier wrote
Skiing is a sport. Tele-skiing is a variation of Zumba!
Oh, and a practioner of said discipline a Tele-fella or a Tellie-Shelly ?