longest expert

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Re: longest expert

mattchuck2 wrote
Kinsman Glades

Couldn't fit it in one shot with my little camera.  Wasn't enough snow when we were there, but it looks incredible.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: longest expert

Here is some Kinsman Glade action for you Harv:


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Re: longest expert

Nice photo gallery. I especially like #8.

So back on topic since a glade isn't technically a trail... do you have a shot that shows Tramline in it's entirety or as much as possible? Glades are much more likely to have the no bailout thing built in.

(I forget did we ski tramline?)
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: longest expert

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the Charlevoix trail is a freaken beast..

glades shouldn't count..almost all of them are expert, and if they're bumped up, even the low angle one's are expert..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: longest expert

In reply to this post by miker92
miker92 wrote
The steepest pitch is 33 degrees and they rate it a triple black?
I don't necessarily agree with trail rating system, however...I know this.

a) Eastern resort ski trails rarely reach 35 degrees.

b) Ski-it on race conditions and pray that your edges are sharp enough and know how to use them. The trail is developed as East coast Alpine speed event facility. The old '42' that was butchered was the classic of classic. Narrow, twisting and steep, but that run is no-longer exist.

Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography
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Re: longest expert

Noah John
In reply to this post by miker92
Triple black is overkill but 33 degrees is steep for an in-bounds trail - particularly if it's sustained.

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Re: longest expert

Westway at Hunter is 34 degrees for almost 1k vert! Long falls are possible over there... if they ever blow snow on it again.