my car was stolen. please read

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my car was stolen. please read

hey everyone, last night my car was stolen from my driveway in wilton, NY. just trying to get the word out. its a 2002 sea foam green nissan altima. had a smith optics sticker on the back bumper, nordica sticker to the left of the license plate, and a gopro sticker to the right. also on the rear window is an SOC sticker. ill try to find a picture to post later on. if you see it please contact the police. ill keep everyone posted if and when its found.
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

We're in Gansevoort, will keep an eye out for ya.  Sorry to hear, good luck!
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

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parkhurst rd, 1/4 mile from winslows
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

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In reply to this post by Condor
Bummer Condor that's the worst. Right out of the driveway.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

In reply to this post by Condor
wow, that sux. sorry to hear it. I rarely lock my car, yet it is still in my driveway every morning. I don't think thieves can drive manual these days
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

Condor, I am really sorry your car disappeared.

Is there any chance there could be more to this story, did anyone else have keys or anything? It seems really odd for a ten year old car to take off, you have terrible luck or someone was targeting you for some reason.

Hope you get it back. The good news is, if they take it down here it will turn up shortly because there is no freaking gas anywhere.

Hope this has a happy ending for you. Let us know if any gear went missing, maybe we can take up some donations to replace stuff you'll need for the winter.
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

In reply to this post by Condor
Hope you had insurance to cover it. Buddy of mine made out like a bandit, Ins company paid him way more than he ever could have sold the car for. Just trying to look at any possible positive from a crappy situation.
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

My parents live in wilton and mentioned to me the last time i was down there to lock my car and take keys out...i normally leave the keys right in ignition.  they said there has been a rash of car burgleries, stealing for parts.  That sucks, hope its recovered.
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

witch hobble
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Enjoy some Fred.
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

He got the car back.

Jackets, Sunglasses, and GoPro still in it. (should've had the red light blinking!)
Wallet with $150 cash, License, and SS card are gone. GPS is gone.
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

In reply to this post by witch hobble
my car was just found by an officer out in schylerville. out in the middle of nowhere left on the side of the road. my gps was taken, along with my wallet, license, SS card, and cash. everything else seems to be accounted for. hopefully we find who ever did it soon because this Social Security bullshit sucks. would rather them have taken all the other stuff and just left the wallet.
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

And THATS why you don't keep your SSC in your wallet!
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

In reply to this post by Condor
It is a drag losing your wallet. Best of luck on this. I wouldn't be surprise if they find the perp.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

Benny Profane
Damn kids.

Downtown Saratoga for three years. Seriously downtown. Every now and then the kids thought the parking lot behind my building was a cool place to fire up. And, they did. Never ever had to deal with B&E. I was impressed, considering how little some people up there have.
funny like a clown
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

how did they get your car?  were your keys in it?  With your wallet? Did you write your pin number n your atm card as well.
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

Sorry to hear about the lost wallet and SS card.  But you really are lucky to get everything else back.  That said, you really don't need your SS card for anything as long as you have your birth certificate.  I doubt that anyone could do much  with your SS number anyhow.  I've had my personal information (ss number, dob, tax id number etc...) stolen several times without any repercussions so far.  My info was hacked at two companies that I do business with.  If you are worried, I'd recommend that you sign up with a credit service for monitoring.  You could also freeze your own credit if you are really worried.  The only hassle is that you have to unfreeze it anytime you apply for a loan or credit card.  Or even test drive a car.  My office manager does this.  Let me know if you want the specifics as to how to freeze your credit.  I'll ask her and get back to you.  Email or pm me.  Good luck, Craig
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

Benny Profane
CMR wrote
 That said, you really don't need your SS card for anything as long as you have your birth certificate.  

You will need it in NY state to get a driver's license if you are moving back in from another state. Benny found out the hard way. Yes, the actual card. I know, I know, I was as dumbfounded as you may be reading this. I mean, I'm white as hell and ain't no immigrant.  
funny like a clown
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

In reply to this post by Condor
Sorry for the late post. Sorry about your car.  I see we live in the same area - I'm just up Wilton Rd a mile or so.  

About a month ago, we had a series of car break-ins in our neighborhood. The thieves went through the glove boxes and center consoles, leaving CDs and coins.  The police said they were looking for GPS and other things that would sell. I always thought that they were looking for house keys to come back and break into the houses.  They also stole a car in our neighborhood, took it for a joy ride and abandoned.  

You went to SSHS, didn't you?  I bet you know them.  Two of them live on Brigham Rd. 

Did the police put the two events together?  PM me if you need more specific information.  Better late than never.
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

Yeah, we graduated with at least one of the kids.
Pretty sure it wasn't them, though.
The people across the street from him had a big party the night before. Chances are it was one of them looking for a free ride home.
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Re: my car was stolen. please read

Ok.  I only mentioned it because you never know when a random bit of information might help.  

The break-ins certainly scared everyone in this neighborhood.   After it happened, there were so many security lights on, I'm sure it could be seen from space.  We were unaffected.  We have motion sensor lights and a big dog with a loud bark.  No one came on our property.
If you are having fun, you are doing it right.