new boots for Christmas

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new boots for Christmas

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Had to run around yesterday getting the same exact boots and foot beds done - don't attempt this at right before the holidays - it was not fun
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Re: Fire at Whiteface's Mt Ops building

Yikes thats horrible, hope that everyone is OK.

ORDA and New England Passholder. If it's fast, it's probably fun.
2014-2015 season days
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Re: Fire at Whiteface's Mt Ops building

In reply to this post by Z
If this is any help, oven cleaner works really well to get rid of smoke stains on stuff. Back in '88 my house burned in Waitsfield. The oven cleaner saved a lot of my belongings. Good Luck. Sorry to hear about lost ski boots.
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Re: Fire at Whiteface's Mt Ops building

In reply to this post by skisheep
How did it.start? Let me guess.  There were 20 things plugged into one outlet.
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Re: new boots for Christmas

In reply to this post by Z
Oddly the same exact boot model and size with different new foot beds feel totally different.  Right boot is ok the left not so much.  The ID liner may need a remold which you can do up to 10 times I'm told.
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Re: new boots for Christmas

Benny Profane
I always insist on trying on the actual boot I'm going to buy after I ordered the same boot in the same size I was skiing at the time, and, they felt, oh, 20% bigger. Irritating.
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Re: new boots for Christmas

They are ID intuition liners so trying them on premold is useless and since it molds to your foot it should not matter.  I don't think the tounge was pushed down enough when we did the molding.  It should get fixed with another molding and they are ok to teach this week I think (hope?)
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Re: new boots for Christmas

After weeks of furstration and bad skiing I've decided to write off the foot beds I had hastily made the day before Christmas.  I didn't have good feel of my left ski and it was causing me to correct in ways that are not good - too much body rotation.

I went to Richard at Inside Edge in Queensbury today and am having a new set of foot beds made and the set up properly.  I did not have enough heel lift and my left heel would not stay in the pocket.  

Currnetly am waiting for him to finish grinding the foot beds.  The pair I lost he made and they were perfect so this will going to work out.
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Re: new boots for Christmas

My boots now feel exactly like my old boots which were perfect.  Richard is an excellent boot fitter.  If you need boot work or foot beds you owe it to yourself to make an appointment with him at Inside Edge Ski Shop.
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Re: new boots for Christmas

Boots and new footbeds skied great today.  I can finally again control my left ski.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time