person who skis vs skier

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Re: person who skis vs skier

I like to use analogies when situational quesitons come to me and I am too close or passionate to answer the question truely independently.     Therefore:   Golf.       I tell people "I golf"    I don't believe I ever told anyone that I am a "golfer"     I golf once or thrice a year.  I have fun, drink, lose balls and laugh.  I enjoy it.   I don't dream of it, buy new equipment or talk to my friends about golfing.  I only have a few friends who are golfers. I would not spend more than $x.00 dollars golfing.    

I believe I am a skier.      

If you dont like that twist, try this one.     All of my skier friends or my friends who ski seem to have a common comeback when they ask this question "How were conditions today/tonight?".  I passoinately answer without thinking, GREAT.   They say, "you always say that".    

 But then my user name is :      I:)skiing      

Fun foder before the snows fall.    
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Re: person who skis vs skier

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In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
None of these are true.

I don't "play hookie" (although I did consciously take a job that has more personal days I can use to ski)
I almost never get the first chair or last chair (these are bragging rights for people who don't ski very often and need to maximize every day)
I earn turns now, but didn't when I was younger (and it didn't make me any less of a skier)
It can definitely be too cold
There's too much snow if they close down all the roads and I can't get to the mountain (although I'd probably play around on XC skis near my house)
I don't have an SUV (and people who think "real skiers drive SUVs" are car company marketing executives' wet dreams)
I don't complain (except on Internet forums when people make ridiculous posts... And some other times)
mattchuck2 wrote
People can define themselves however they want. If you want to call yourself a skier, fine, you're a skier.

There's no word police going around and checking on people, making sure they participate in their chosen activity enough times to qualify for a self imposed title.

And that would be stupid anyway. Let's say Skier A goes to Mountain Creek one night a week for 12 weeks a year. Let's say Skier B takes one two week vacation to Aspen a year and that's the only skiing he does. Who is more of a skier? Both? Neither? Does it matter if they both claim to be skiers, read ski magazines and spend time on skiing forums? Do you make comments behind their backs that they aren't REAL skiers? Why? Who cares?

Best take you've ever written IMO.

There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: person who skis vs skier

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
I used to call myself a golfer, skier, hunter. Those activities defined my time away from work. Now I'm a skier, hunter and not a golfer. I still play golf, but at best, very limited. I'm no longer a golfer, but just a person who plays golf.
I think Campy has this nailed.  Both the golf and ski analogy apply well to many folks that occasionally will play a round of golf or ski a few times a yr just because it's winter.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: person who skis vs skier

Are we next going to have an elitist discussion on what is an expert?
This is a stupid thread. IMHO.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: person who skis vs skier

We already have that blogpost:
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Re: person who skis vs skier

Hey, way to totally disregard Snowboarders who saved your industry from a deep decline in popularity! ;)
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Re: person who skis vs skier

skunkape wrote
Hey, way to totally disregard Snowboarders who saved your industry from a deep decline in popularity! ;)
Thx! We'd be lost w/out your epic contributions!   I love my cool ski outfits!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: person who skis vs skier

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
People can define themselves however they want. If you want to call yourself a skier, fine, you're a skier. There's no word police going around and checking on people, making sure they participate in their chosen activity enough times to qualify for a self imposed title. And that would be stupid anyway. Let's say Skier A goes to Mountain Creek one night a week for 12 weeks a year. Let's say Skier B takes one two week vacation to Aspen a year and that's the only skiing he does. Who is more of a skier? Both? Neither? Does it matter if they both claim to be skiers, read ski magazines and spend time on skiing forums? Do you make comments behind their backs that they aren't REAL skiers? Why? Who cares?
Mountain Creek!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: person who skis vs skier

In reply to this post by PeeTex
just trying to get feedback on a george costanza co worker and a ' i try to ski once every year ' acquaitance not going for any elitest thread
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: person who skis vs skier

I wrote this a few summers ago...I think it sums this thread up for me better than anything else I could write again now:

Otto Schniebs, often quoted for coining the phrase, “Skiing is more than a sport, it is a way of life”, was certainly on to something.  As I sit here in the midst of a scorching July heat wave, skiing is still at the front of my brain multiple times a day.  Even more so, skiing is in my soul, is part of my core essence and is one of the main ways I define myself. Regardless of the season, I am a skier.

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Re: person who skis vs skier

Peter Minde
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From an xc point of view.  If you walk on skis, you're a person who skis.  If you get glide when you ski, then I'd say you're a skier.
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Re: person who skis vs skier

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Somewhat new here, as this is my 'first' post, and I gotta ask myself.......what IS this group, and how could they over complicate such a SIMPLE question?!?!

A skier, quite simply, makes Jump Turns.  Everone else is just a no talent hack that skis, and has no idea what they are doing!!!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: person who skis vs skier

JTG4eva! wrote
this is my 'first' post

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Re: person who skis vs skier

Yeah, what does the 'first post' thing mean?

I'm hoping this is an Ausable Skier reboot: How do you feel about Belleayre?

p.s. Jump turns rule.