"new" trails at gore?

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"new" trails at gore?

I see three new trails listed in the conditions report, crystal, show off and tower6. Does anyone know anything about them.
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Re: "new" trails at gore?

This was from Gore's website.

EAST SIDE CROSSOVER TRAILS - We have developed four small crossover trails on the lower mountain.  When three of them are used together, they can bring a skier efficiently from "Echo" on Burnt Ridge Mountain to the loading area of the Northwoods Gondola.  When used separately, they improve access to and from Burnt Ridge, add interest to the layout of the East Side trails, and could allow more sections of trail to open earlier in the season.  

TWISTER'S LITTLE SISTER - Although this was previously a glade, it has been completely cleared and widened for grooming.  This connector joins "Twister" to "Echo."

CRYSTAL - Just below the area where "Twister's Little Sister," comes into Echo, there is also an option on skier's right to bring guests from "Echo" to "Twister."
TOWER 6 - Providing access from "Twister" to "Showcase."  

SHOWOFF- Offering an easy descent to the gondola by bringing skiers from "Showcase" to "The Arena."
Crystal, Tower 6, & Showoff are situated in a way that all three can be accessed in the same run to the Base Area.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: "new" trails at gore?

In reply to this post by TomCat
Snoloco has it. These trails are design in part to make it easier to access the Gondi from Echo.

Over the summer there was some regrading at the bases area that makes it harder to skate to the Gondi from Showcase or Echo.

Works well for us.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp