video of huge avy in France taking out a lift

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video of huge avy in France taking out a lift

ausable skier
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check out this video of a huge avy in france that takes out a lift

if you look at the begining you'll see that there were people on the chairs right before the avy hits - not sure what happened to them
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Re: video of huge avy in France taking out a lift

Saw that on the news last night. Remarkably, they said no one was seriously injured. They rescued the people who were on the lift by helicopter!
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Re: video of huge avy in France taking out a lift

ausable skier
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In reply to this post by ausable skier
 and this one has a lifts eye view of it

if i was those guys by the base of the lift I'd be getting out of dodge

This one is probably the best view plus has english voice over from the french original


embed feature does not seem to be working - sorry
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Re: video of huge avy in France taking out a lift

Wow!  When we were in Jackson Hole a few weeks ago, it was pointed out by the locals that there was an in bounds death last season due to an avalanche and in '08 the mid mountain lodge at the top of the gondola was significantly damaged by a slide.  I noticed that many of the locals out there ride with ABS packs, especially for out of bounds, these are really cool devices and cost about 1K.
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Re: video of huge avy in France taking out a lift

ausable skier
its a miracle that no one was killed given that there was people on the lift - I'm really susprised the cable stayed on
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