what do you think of the new glades at gore?

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what do you think of the new glades at gore?

really enjoyed boreas glades they did a nice job with it. it has a nice pitch and it is long as hell. not sure what to make of the abenak glades. my first thought was i should of brought my bike. really need ski it again before i pass judgement.  wonder what others think of these new glades
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Re: what do you think of the new glades at gore?

Gore's glades are awesome, especially now with so much snow.  Abernakee can get tied up with Barkeater about 1/3 of the way down.  My friend's kid got separated from him there and it wasn't a good situation.  +1 on Boreas.  It seems to be skiing better than last season.  Much more flow than Cirque. I'd like to try to cut across at bottom of Ruby to Birch Bark as a fun shortcut to high peaks double.  I skid narrows for years before it was legit. Fitting name. The new glade to skiers right of 46'er is cool and Ski Bowl glade is still one of the best there.
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Re: what do you think of the new glades at gore?

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Gore should be wall to wall. It's not really that far off IMO. Still I'd like to see all of it maintained and expanded.  Finish the last 3.6 miles of trail, use that mileage wisely. Then go wall to wall.

Can't be objective about Abanaki as I had one of the best runs of my life on it two weeks ago.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp