If you had 2 cars spotting one at Bear base and doing short hike from the chair could be worthwhile. After things got cut up we hiked around a bit and found almost everthing was skiable
My friend's at K-mart now..she said the snow is super heavy and really a challange to ski in..
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~* -Fridtjof Nansen
Challenge Accepted. I'll be there Friday. |
Get us a report Fri so We can decide whether a 5 hr drive is worth it
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
ANDDDD I'm not gonna make it.
![]() Condor and MC2 and half of the TGR ECRC are on their way there now. I'm sure someone will have pics/conditions up by tonight. |
We may have a chance to get to Killington at the end of next week. Would appreciate any beta or estimates on how snow depth is holding up. Laszlo.
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Great day!!!! Early was bit firm but started to soften up. Superstar and skylark have plenty of snow. Off k1 was surprisingly good but I think it will be done by Monday. Get it while you can. Well worth it if you can make it up.
Just to complement what others have said, I was up there today (Friday)... it was a bit heavy/sticky as noted. I was kinda hoping for it to have frozen up a bit more overnight and then hoping for it to be warmer/sunnier today so it would maybe consolidate down a bit nicer, i.e. the way things set up in a perfect freeze/thaw cycle, but was fun anyway. The bumps on Skye Lark were nicely spaced though nowhere did the bumps really soften up like you might expect typical spring bumps to ski like. Lots of growing bare spots on Cascade, Escapade, East Fall & a swampy runout at the bottom of the Canyon area. Superstar had perfect coverage, toward the bottom patches of ice began to appear (though more forgiving ice than midwinter ice) with mounds of granular in between. I can definitely see them keeping Superstar/Skye Lark going a long time, but the K1 accessible stuff was getting dodgy even today...
You could work the bumps well on Superstar/Skye Lark but it took a bit more effort than typically needed for the "spring bumps" that you might be expecting. More a cold temperature italian ice than cottage cheese, if that makes any sense. |
In reply to this post by Plattekill
Barring another freak storm, I would expect Killington's trail count to return to two, Skye Lark, and Superstar. I skied Killington on Good Friday. I plan on ending my lift serviced season, weather permitting, next weekend at Killington Saturday, Jay on Sunday. There was still a ton of snow on Superstar, 19" should at the least preserve that till this weekend. I wish I could have made it there right after the storm, just wasn't feasible. I was able to score lift tickets on Liftopia for Monday and Friday for $39 and $35 respectively. A more reasonable fee for two trails than $49. There are currently no deals for Killington, or Jay. I'll be checking throughout the week to see if any come available. Does Jay give a discount on their Spring rate to season pass holders of other hills? I'd say go for it. It's a little monotonous skiing two trails over, and over, but it's to be expected this time of year. Kudos to those who skied it last week. |
Corn, I'm convinced you drive more in 1 year of skiing than I have in 20
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In reply to this post by Cornhead
Thanks for the info - very helpful. Would have liked to get up to K sooner, but the beginning of mountain biking season has us very busy!
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
I love it, it's a bit pricey this year with the current gas prices, cheaper once you leave NY. I get four weeks vacation, I use it all for skiing. I skied five days in Maine and Vermont, two at Saddleback, two at Sugarloaf, one at Killington. Thanks to the gang at AlpineZone, my lift ticket total was $94. Gas, food, and lodging were another story. I slept in my car at the K1 lodge parking lot my last night. That was interesting, 1 1/2 hrs sleep, 7 hrs skiing, 4 hr drive home. Didn't get drowsy, I'm sure my reaction time would have sucked, if called upon. I must have done 40 laps on Superstar, my quads were sore the next day. Scratched of my list this year, Mad River Glen, Sugarbush, Saddleback. |
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HA, I know all about that...when I first moved to Smuggs I slept in my car for 3 nights be4 I found a place to live, but I was 20 so sleep was optional ![]() ![]() |
Couple of pics with the GoPro from Friday at Killington. Skiing was too good to take many pics on the slopes:
![]() ![]() And one from my phone: ![]() |
Ovation kills me in that pic. The last time I was there, it was snowing, but that trail looked bleak.
funny like a clown
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Thanks for the photos and notes. We thought about sleeping in the Outback, but I did not feel like partying all night and then perhaps sleeping. I know I was not going to go to sleep in the car unless I went out. Thus the drive back to Gore. The bed was nice after lapping Super all day. I am psyched for this weekend! Maybe Sun/Mon.
Looking at the photos, there was something odd. After a while I figured it out,...snow was now covering the bare area..duh. I was thinking, why did the big moguls on the right side of Super move to the middle of the slope and they groomed them out? Nope. New snow. |
Yep, that was all bare the last two times I was there. Have you ever seen the time-lapse photography of the bumps moving uphill? Woah, they're moving sideways now. |