Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey

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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

warp daddy
Mike : good on ya for  making something of yourself , my hat is off to you on that score . I admire that determination and drive and Also  admire your enthusiasm tor the sport . My concern was strictly as it was stated. PArents are responsible for their kids and trying to influence thwm as an outsider especially on the topics discussed is inappropriate especially if a minor .

Thats it , nothing more , you are ok as person its just our values are very different


Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

Banned User
warp daddy wrote
Mike : good on ya for  making something of yourself , my hat is off to you on that score . I admire that determination and drive and Also  admire your enthusiasm tor the sport . My concern was strictly as it was stated. PArents are responsible for their kids and trying to influence thwm as an outsider especially on the topics discussed is inappropriate especially if a minor .

Thats it , nothing more , you are ok as person its just our values are very different


I agree.  I don't disagree with your values though.  I'm not of a straight-edged mindset; I'm agnostic, but I respect religion, spirituality and the basis of our laws and values through Judeo-Christian beliefs.  I don't fault people for taking that path, but I also don't fault people for experimenting with recreational substances or sex.  I believe in a high degree of freedom in that respect and that we all own our own fate in regards to that.  It's when people from the more conservative side think that I am trying to corrupt someone or do harm and not accept the reality of the situation that people need to both cope with these type of situations and should have the freedom to make these kind of decisions (and hopefully be smart enough about it not to ruin themselves).

I understand Sno is a minor, and this perhaps might be different if was 18, but he's going to be putting himself in a situation as a minor where he will be treated like an adult.  That's all I think we are trying to convey here.

I hope he opens up and becomes an accepting person and doesn't miss out on good relationships with people just because they might drink or use drugs recreationally.  Those that are on a path to self-destruction, or just drug induced mediocrity should probably be avoided if you can't handle people like that.  I've seen it all my life, and it's not scary to me.  Those people are people too; sometimes very nice, smart, interesting people.  Sometimes they are really fun to be around in small doses.  Sometimes you want to try to help them.  When you can see both sides of the curtain your perspective sometimes changes.

Honestly, these days, a lot of those people I've grown away from.  I don't fault them but sometimes your interests change and it's harder to find common ground.  I can say that from both sides.
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

wow...I'm not sure if I'm glad my hs senior son doesn't read ski forums or if i should make this thread  mandatory reading

if sno is going to embrace a college/ski life with a new bunch of kids and not  have regular encounters with alot of these behaviors i think it's being a bit naive...

sno, it;s all about knowing (and getting to know) yourself and making good choices. work hard, have fun!
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

^please, let's not be rational.  New Schoolers, TGR, Powder all have minors and extreme adult conversations.

Coach (aka the Kook) says we are leading snow cone into the bowls of depravity
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

warp daddy
this aint TGR u want that shit stay there
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

In reply to this post by noip
Even better was the part where Sno says that someone was suggesting that he become a pediphile! That made me laugh.
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

In reply to this post by warp daddy
warp daddy wrote
this aint TGR u want that shit stay there
how adult, congrats

judging someone by the ski bulletin boards they read is a remarkable feat

you are a real winner
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

In reply to this post by JasonWx
JasonWx wrote
I have two girls in college...All I could do is hope that the way my wife and I conduct ourselves, will rub off on their decisions...
My daughter has been my main motivator to get through school and be the best role model I can possibly be. I sure don't want her trying to date some younger version of my former self!
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

warp daddy
Just playin  with ya noip , lighten up r
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

warp daddy
In reply to this post by raisingarizona
BOOM. ...and THERE it is !!!  so why try an influence some OTHER parents kid ???

Im glad your daughter has helped you and i am equally happy that u feel that way about her not being subjected to potentially harmful situations .. Good for you !
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

The old boy-girl double standard, as I'm sure RA would council his daughter away from the threesomes!  Alas, that's as close as you two will get WD, as I'm sure he's preaching life lived with moderation in all other areas to his daughter.....
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

JTG4eva! wrote
The old boy-girl double standard, as I'm sure RA would council his daughter away from the threesomes!  Alas, that's as close as you two will get WD, as I'm sure he's preaching life lived with moderation in all other areas to his daughter.....

Hey, I'm very much an imperfect human and ya, it's an obvious double standard but everything changes when you have a daughter. She will not be allowed to date anyone until at least the age of 30! :)

Now on the threesome bit, come on now, all of us guys fantasize about that. I never did it in all honesty, truthfully I'm scared of how much work it would really be. I'm afraid I would be unable to handle it! Still, I wish I took the opportunity to really find out.

I just want her to have a better opportunity than I did and the best way to do that is to not be like my parents.

I like to think that her seeing me struggle with school is a good thing too. We have bonded over it actually and I love helping her get through her homework. My parents wouldn't ever do that.
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

In reply to this post by warp daddy
warp daddy wrote
BOOM. ...and THERE it is !!!  so why try an influence some OTHER parents kid ???

Im glad your daughter has helped you and i am equally happy that u feel that way about her not being subjected to potentially harmful situations .. Good for you !
So if Sno posts up about a threesome he had with two drop dead gorgeous gals in his dorm room you would tell him it was a bad decision and he should never participate in such antics?

Come on guy.......
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

This post was updated on .
WD was probably king 'o the ménage a trios......back in the day!  At 75 he must have been the perfect age for the free-love 60s, using the guitar to strum the unmentionables off of the fairer sex.  I bet he was a real swinger back in his younger days as well....go, Daddy-o!

As to parents as role models, looks like I'm not alone in knowing that sometimes a negative role model can be more powerful than a positive one.  My parents (God rest their souls) weren't degenerates, rather they were both terribly sick alcoholics who could never make much of themselves.  They loved us, as best they could, but did a whole lot more to teach us by their life example what NOT to do/be, rather than teaching us the proper things to do.  Sometimes people forced to overcome such obstacles/adversity become very well rounded, capable individuals!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

Banned User
That was a great SNL bit...
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Coach is right. You people are nuts. I post saying how I'm excited to be going to college next year, a year earlier than expected, and I'm looking forward to studying a field that I've had a long time interest in, and getting to ski a great mountain in my free time, and all you people can post about are things that are illegal and dangerous?! Seriously, you want me to throw away my college education, do illegal drugs, and become a sex offender?! Do you have any idea how much college costs?! You seem to be complaining that the cost is rising every year, and now you want me to flush all that money down the toilet and view it as a 4 year vacation?! I could do 6 trips out west for the cost of one year of college, and have a lot more fun than partying hard, getting drunk, addicted to illegal drugs and likely arrested, and being a sex offender (also illegal). Yeah, that sounds like a good reason to drop so much $$$. Thank you to those who gave me good advice and encouragement. Those of you who are giving me advice to do things that are illegal and dangerous, go start your own porn thread in the off topic and those of us alone who can act like adults and take things seriously.
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

what's being overlooked in this nutty conversation is our boy Sno is gonna be a WF local the next couple of years!  Just wait till he gets one season on our beloved under his belt - ski monster in the making!!!  

10 bucks he's a dawn patrol regular before he graduates!  

Over/under how many seasons till he drops the hammer on Coach Z??  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Best Colleges for skiing?

ScottyJack wrote
what's being overlooked in this nutty conversation is our boy Sno is gonna be a WF local the next couple of years!  
Aren't you guys lucky
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