All the dates taken on my post (New York and other wise (inside the link)) are taken straight (with very few exception) from the ski areas website, FB page or a good source with the area.
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography |
It's official official tonight. Lifties have been called in.
Bristol has confirmed they will open this weekend.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Whiteface is aiming to be open next weekend April 21 (Fri-Sun).
I'll work on publishing Part 3 sometimes mid-week.
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography |
Gore is also moving to add an extra weekend: April 21
Here is the added comment I put on my Closing Thread Part 2 Sunday afternoon update: A few ski areas decided to try to get an extra weekend and make to April 21. The list is still preliminary now, but here are the one talking about trying to move their closing day: QC: Édouard ON: Blue Mtn NY :Gore, Whiteface VT: Snow A full and complete update will be made for Part 3 of the Eastern Closing Thread which should be up by midweek.
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography |
Here is part three: A potential of 26 across the East. NY : 2 (Gore, WF) VT : 5 (Jay, Stowe, Bush, K, Snow) NH : 1 (Wcat) ME : 3 (SR, Saddle, Loaf) PA : 1 (BB) ON : 1 (Blue) Labrador : 1 (Smokey?) QC: 12 (Vid, MSS, Avila, Sutton, Orford, MSA, MDS, Ed, Val, Comi, Miller, Chalco?)
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography |
No more skiing in New York, but still plenty of options for this weekend. Last year for the coming weekend, the entire East had only 3 runs open across two ski areas in two different country. This year's count for this coming weekend is 9 (probably). Quebec : 4 (each are at least 100 miles apart from each other) Ontario : 1 (far from here) Vermont : 3 Maine : 1 5 are committed to open in May (Jay, SB, K, SL & MSS), 3 are mentioned or hinted at least 2 weekend in May. In contrast with last year's terrible end, only MSS survived into May.
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography |
I'm so sad that there is no skiing left nearby for the year.
We deliver Online Advertising in New York.
MY last two updates - its been a great Spring for prolonging the season. Sunday was incredibly ... hot.
May Five - Part 5 Corn Deep in May - Part 6
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography |
For people still looking to make some turns with the aid of a chairlift within driving distance from NY.
K still talking a tentative June 2 closing. St-Sauveur has confirmed that it was going to be open for Victoria Day (Monday), May 20. No official word if it is the last day. Their schedule last day was May 12. Bunch of info and geek stuff on my latest update. Skiing Not Gone Yet – Eastern Closing Thread 2012-2013 Part 7
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography |
The latest update...warm and heavy rain has washed hopes for extra full weekend or June turns away.
No Encore at St-Sauveur (they made the call last night that it was it) Last Call at Killington (made the call that Sat-Sun was it...walking required and free) No Encore at St-Sauveur – Eastern Closing Thread 2012-13 Part 8 Then there is still some earn-turns.
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography |
Okay here is my last post of the Eastern Closing Thread.
Thoughts on the end of season, Eastern liftserved and beyond (oe. Not East or not liftserved). Some geeky analysis on previous dates and stuff. Some of you might be interested. It’s a Wrap and the Storm – Eastern Closing Thread 2012-13- Part Last Kudos to Killington.
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography |