Endo ... I think this is the letter you are referring to: (?)
Trustees-of-Tupper-Lake-Threaten-to-End-Skiing-at-Big-Tupper-Forever Have to be honest - I never really considered the fact that ACR now owns Big Tupper. The ski hill is such an an important part of Tupper Lake, it would seem wise to ensure the resorts operation now while town has some leverage.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
The Tupperware Town Bd threats are stupidity and pure politics.
As to timing for completion, this article spells it's out clearly (link below): -60 days public comment followed by 60 days to complete review.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
The Denpubs article is incorrect as far as the timeline for the APAs decision. The ALJ will set the time for parties to submit briefs/closing statements sometime after the actual hearing transcripts are recieved by all the parties to the hearing. The parties have until 7/15/11 to submit comments as to how long they need/want to submit their briefs and how long they think each party will need to review and comment on other briefs. The judge will set the # of days based on all comments. Could be 30 days to submit briefs and 30 days to respond or 60 days for each or something in between. At the earliest it would be mid to late september before the APA begins their deliberations and that will last at a minimum 60 days and the board has hinted they may ask for more time given the size and complexity of the project. So at the earlies it will be mid to late November before and decision is made and could be into 2012 for all we know at this point.
Even if they get some form of permit they will not be building anything anytime soon, they still need to get a permit from the DEC and they received a 20 page notice of incomplete application back in October and they have done nothing as far as anyone knows to address that little issue. Then there is the problem of money. They need to cough up roughly 5 MILLION just to purchase the land they propose to put the project on. And lets not forget the back taxes on the mountain, only $100,000. or so, and their main investor Lawson has that niggling little issue of the Federal Tax Lien for $540,000. for his non payment of federal income tax for 07,08 and 09. This ACR deal is the biggest scam in the history of the Adirondack Park, bar none. EVen if they somehow got this off the drawing board it isn't going anywhere at the prices they are proposing in this economy. Top it off with the proposed PILOT and it could literaly crash and send the Town of Tupper Lake into Bancruptcy. I,m glad the Village Board is asking Foxman to do the mountain first, that way if it does crash at least we might have the hill back in usable condition if nothing else. After all, Foxman has been promising to rebuild the ski area because that is the centerpiece of the development, needed to attract the people to buy into the project. |
Banned User
One big cluster funk?
![]() Endo's doing a fine job of keep us informed. |
Based on what I've read in the Tupper Lake Free Press online it sounds like the Tupper Lake Village Board hit a nerve with Foxman/Lawson/ARISE. They are now trying to cover up what was revealed in the Adjudicatory Hearings, the fact that the redevelopment of Big Tupper is way down on their to-do list. Go to 7/6/11 and listen to the Talk of the Town segment. The topic first mentioned was the Villages request that the developer rebuild Big Tupper early in the project. The first caller in was the former owner of Big Tupper, who supported the Villages' position 100%. He made the correct observation that the developer needs to get the ski area renonovated if he expects to sell the realestate. Anyone with half a brain can understand that concept.
In reply to this post by Snowballs
+1 Thanks EOL. |
Just noticed at there is a Guest Commentary article on the ACR by Tom Woodman, publisher of the Adirondack Explorer, heading, "Tupper Lake deserves better. Well written, articulate and with a good deal of info that should cause an immediate knee jerk reaction from the local hardcore ACR supporters. I'm predicting they will have a rebuttal Guest Commentary article out within days on the ADE online and they will have one in print in tomorrows Tupper Lake Fixed Press(aka Foxman Press Release). They will be incensed over an "enviro-nut" perspective of the ACR and how dare they comment on something that doesn't concern them and other such similar rants. But you won't see any factual detailed arguments about how the ACR will succeed. In fact when you see such articles from the supporters you will note the glaring lack of details of the ACR plan. Support for the ACR is inversely proportional to the amount of knowledge one has of the details of the proposal. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Banned User
Side note:
State comptroller criticizes IDA job-creation program New York state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli is again calling into question the efficacy of economic development groups. The Associated Press reports that his latest review of industrial development agencies finds no connection between granting bigger tax breaks to employers and the creation of jobs they promised in exchange for the benefits. Read more: |
As predicted in todays Adirondack Daily Enterprise there is a letter to the editor blasting Tom Woodmans guest commentary of 7/12/11 questioning the ACR plan. My source indicates the writer is an ARISE member and harsh critic of any Environmental Groups, as evidenced in his writing. Stay tuned for more.
Another article in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise regarding ACR development. Village mayor correctly sticking to his guns calling on the developers to commit to rebuilding Big Tupper early in the phasing. More importantly the former owner of the ski area, Peter Day attended the meeting and backed the mayor up completely. Some of his comments were what most locals were already in aggreement on, ex: "everyone should at least be able to agree on the fact that an open, renovated ski slope is needed" "The ski area is a huge asset to the community" " the number one priority should be making sure the ski area is rebuilt and in operation. It can and would feed off of real estate sales, but those sales will also rely on having a decent ski area to market". Since the snowmaking is all gone, Day said the developers need to put some money into fixing the trails, installing a new lift and replacing the ski lodge. " The Adirondack Club and Resort needs to step up to the plate", Day said. "They need to spend money on the ski area" The mayor has been vilified in the local TL Foxman Press aka Tupper Lake Free Press recently ,especially from articles written by ARISE members. It's good to see the former owner of the ski area back up the Mayors position which is entirely warranted given what was revealed in the recent APA Adjudicatory Hearing.