So that's why I have such a hard time with the ladies.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
That signature is weighing you down snobuddy.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by snoloco
We all are trying to help you out. Scotty is right
Working out will help in the ability to do well with the fairer sex.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by Z
hmm, we are getting very close to revealing the pyramid of life which consists of skiing, sex, and beer. BTW, fitness makes skiing and sex better. beer needs no help. harvy, maybe you better cap this thread. snoloco, report back with your fitness plan so we can critique it all summer.
In reply to this post by snoloco
Speed dating on a lift is kind of an interesting idea. Still not sure I'd give up a day at Kmart for it.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by frk
Pyramid of life, well said. Also good point on the critique, I’ve often wondered why people like to give unsolicited advice to people they don’t know on forums. I’m thinking they wouldn’t be comfortable doing it to a stranger in person.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
In reply to this post by Harvey
That's cuse you're an old married fella.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Float like a butterfly Ski like Stein If you think Camp can't do it You out of your mind
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Yeah that's a good one. If young dude starts parking lot pimpin at high school watch out. ![]()
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
In reply to this post by snoloco
Well I'll tell you, when I was single I read an article in Maximum which said to not use deodorant because it masks your natural pheromones. Pheromones are nature’s way to attract the opposite sex. So I stopped the deordorant use and low and behold it worked! ![]() However, as was brought to my attention Sunday, some of my "friends" apparently found me to be a bit offensive in the gond ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
HPD, the only time I see PP at the WF is in da bar! ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
The big fella does like to party. One of his many good traits
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
In reply to this post by skimore
Came across this whilst "transitioning." Seemed to fit right here,%20Not%20Strength.pdf |
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
That's cause you don't get there until noon |
In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
![]() |
In reply to this post by snoloco
Speed dating???? As slow as that chair runs, you could have 3 kids and a monthly alimony payment by the time you get back to the top of North.
It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin', even for a little while
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
![]() Uhm, don't try this Snoloco ----- just sayin' |
In reply to this post by snoloco
Turn, turn, turn, dont fall. Pretty simple
Banned User
Maybe I am way out of line here but I've not heard anyone suggest trying Nordic skiing, and in particular, Nordic Back Country.
Some of the stuff you do Alpine skiing can transfer over, although skiing down hills on free heels in ungroomed conditions can be quite different than skiing on groomers. I can see where some might say it will cut into your skiing days of lift served but getting out into the woods and kicking and gliding as well as making a few turns down all sorts of different snow and terrain might be good for you. I'm not a slide skier, and I'll say it won't be like that, but there is something about it that I like far more than lift served skiing. This, then of course, leads to BC Alpine skiing where you may have to skin/wax ski for a long tour to get to some nice stuff (I believe Tucks was mentioned). IMO one should get the nordic ability before going here. Not essential, and I can't speak all that well about it because I don't do this type of skiing, but it seems to me one would be better versed at the 'touring' part having some Nordic experience. Personally I haven't got there yet. I would like to; not to ski steep slides but to be able to do mountain tours where kick and glide skis start to get scary and telemark or AT skis start to make more sense due to increased turning ability. I will say this if you want to ski slide or gullies there are far more that aren't lift served than that are. As for the off-season... well for some ski season is the off-season and skiing is a way to stay in shape for summer, but anyway there are a TON of other things to do that will keep you active that aren't like training. I HATE training. Training implies I have to do something I don't want to do in order to be able to do something I do want to do. Need I say more? Find an activity that keeps you reasonably fit and is fun. Just as an example, for me, that is paddling (good for the core) and hiking (good for my cardio). I used to Mtn Bike but these days trails are scarce - 15-20 years ago you could get away riding a lot more places. I have a road bike but I find that pretty boring. It's good for transport. The hiking and paddling come in to part for me as part of my main activity, and that is backpacking or canoe tripping. That may not be your bag but I guarantee there is something out there that will entice you during the warmer months. I'd still encourage you to look into some form of Nordic skiing during the winter to supplement your downhill. If you don't like running, then skiing at a center might not be a good fit, but if you like scenery and touring, the BC nordic might be the ticket. |