Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

Benny Profane
Footer wrote
I'll go back to what I have said about this before... a cam at the base would be useless.  

I ski Killington a lot, and their webcam is extremely useful. I've driven up Rt. 4 around Pico, which is pretty high, countless times in the past thinking, damn, no snow, no snow, and been pleasantly surprised at the quality of skiing up on the mountain. Now, with the webcams, I can be sitting in my cube at work and know immediately what the conditions look like on the hill. Sure, the base isn't an indication of what the top of the mountain is like, but, knowing the mountain, I can figure it out. I think it's a great tool for someone who has to decide to make a four hour drive to ski. Their's is video, too.

This one is my favorite, though. Over 12,000 feet for the top cameras. Just so damn pretty to watch sometimes. It ain't so hard.
funny like a clown
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
Here's the Thread

It was a powder day everywhere - including West according to K-Man on page 4.  That storm came in cold and dry.  Utah dry?  Probably not but it was most definitely powder.

Look, I remember the comment like it was yesterday because it was so odd.  If you don't know how to ski - fine - there's no shame in that.  But saying it's "not fun really" - on a site purportedly for skiers - is just ........ weird.


Stop messing up this thrilling 10 pages of why gore needs a webcam in one million words or more.
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

Adk Jeff
skimore wrote
 What weather tool provides a more accurate picture of the current weather ongoing than a webcam pointed at a picnic table on the deck
Radar, NWS forecast discussion and NWS point forecast for three.

Harvey wrote
If the radar was doing this, would you check Gore's webcam?

I would.
Of course I would.  I just wouldn’t expect it to tell me much.  Especially since the radar is 8pm and the webcam would be a black screen.  You can already see from the radar that Gore is in the snow zone. That you had to go back almost 5 years to find an example is telling.  I’m well aware that the rain/snow line moved back and forth across Gore several times during that particular storm.  But you need a bigger picture (i.e. radar) than a webcam in a situation like that to get a handle on what’s going on.  Is a webcam one more data element?  I guess so.  But does it tell you much?  Nah.

Gorefarmhouse wrote
I just want something to look at when I'm at work.  A fresh go-pro, iphone video would do me just fine!  There's no actual valuable data garnered from a web cam, it's just FUN to have.
Exactly.  It’s just entertainment.

Spongeworthy wrote
Almost every other mountain provides it. Why not Gore?
That’s really the most compelling reason to just hang a webcam out the base lodge window pointed at the gondi.  Just don’t expect it to give you any information that you didn’t already have, or expect it be some wonderful marketing tool that’s going to draw skiers to Gore because it looks so awesome in real time on the webcam.

Now, if it was a glades cam, that’s something I could rally for!
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

Noah John
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Don't you just love ski forum blah, blah, blah?

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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

Why am I concerned about you having that pic, NJ. That's very disturbing.
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

Wasn't really directing that at you Jeff just wondering about all. They only reason I have that radar shot is because that storm was so huge. I don't capture radar shots very often.  (I also like that shot because it was NY love :).

Borderline events are reasonably common in the east. Last I looked the vote was like 8-to-1 pro cam. And web analytics backs this up - skiers believe there is value.  From a marketing POV these are among the cheapest web visits you can buy.

That pic above is  
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?


I voted yes. Even Adirondack chairs can tell you something.
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

That's primo Raymo.  

This is me reaching up to the spot where we'd put our cam and snapping a pic. It's 10 or 12 feet off the ground.

In that space would be an adk chair snow-meter ala Sick Bird Rider.

The camera will be more wide angle and zoomed in. Not sure exactly.

I'm pretty sure you'll be able to see Gore, on a clear day in winter.

(Noah I will buy you a beer if you take that creepy pic down.)
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

Noah John
Harvey wrote
(Noah I will buy you a beer if you take that creepy pic down.)
Hahah!  Done.  No beer required.
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

In reply to this post by skimore
I want a Waffle House, waffle cam and several ski cams. Gore has lots of bandwidth available and they even tested a cheapo camera at Bear Mt last spring. It was mounted on the patrol building and has since been removed. Emily is afraid that if skiers can see bad weather, they won't come to the mountain. must be why so many other ski areas with cameras are going out of business!

Harvey - yes you could stream over DSL a and/or install a weather station. However, info from the mountain would be more interesting.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

adkskier wrote
Emily is afraid that if skiers can see bad weather, they won't come to the mountain. must be why so many other ski areas with cameras are going out of business!
We could start a new thread about how stupid and shortsighted this is on the part of Emily. What is bad weather? Snowing too hard? SMH!
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

I'd say that Gore could use multiple Webcams.  One at the base area on the deck near the gondola.  One at the top of the gondola, and one at the summit.  It would be great to see what is going on at the mountain.  Aso, they could temporarily point one at the ADK Express construction.  Jay Peak doesn't have a webcam either, so Gore is not alone.  Maybe they don't have one because it is either whited out by a blizzard with lots of snow and wind, or showing crappy conditions when they don't have a snowstorm which they don't want to show.

As for other mountains, these are the webcams they have.

Hunter:  One at the base, one at the top of the B-Lift looking up, one at the old patrol hut looking down, and one in the parking lot looking up at the mountain.
Windham:  One at the base looking up and one at the Wheelhouse Lodge looking down.
Whiteface:  One at the Mid Station Deck, and one at the summit.  This does not include the ones at other Olympic facilities.
Mount Peter:  Webcam at the base looking up, now is able to be controlled.
Mountain Creek:  Webcam at South Base, also there is one at Action Park looking at the Cliff Jumps.
Killington:  One at K1 Lodge looking at Superstar, one at Bear Mountain looking at Lower Skyeburst or Outer Limits, one in the North Ridge area looking at Reason, one at the Peak Lodge looking at Cascade, one at the golf course looking up at Killington Peak.
Mount Snow:  One at the summit, one at the Main Base, and one at Carinthia Base.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

mc!  drink!
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

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The waffle cam idea has legs IMO. Seriously.

Skimore is a pro at this and we did a call over the weekend, to check IP type and upload capacity.  The IP type is compatible with producing a feed that is accessible by the public but the upload capacity can't sustain a streaming image for many users. We'll probably have access to a streaming image, but unfortunately I don't think we be able to publish it for all.

We've selected a cam that can operate without a dedicated CPU.  That's big because we won't need to buy a computer and keep it warm.

We'll need to do some wiring and some help setting it up, we're looking at maybe $500 to get it going.

The setup will be designed to push a new image to the web every five or ten minutes the way Plattekill's cam works.

I still need to check with frontier to see if this constant uploading will affect our monthly bill.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

 Harve, Personal photo timing of 10 minutes to 20 minutes is all that is really needed.   If this timing costs extra, I'd consider 1 per hour and see if you can pause  it  between 5pm and 5am, unless you are setting up a spot light on the target of the camera.  Gore can and should have a 2-5 second upload feed, but I'd accept 5-10 minutes without a worry. Two of the cameras should be fixed on lighted areas at night.    Yes Gore, I am suggesting you have between 4-6 cameras.      But you may start with one, to stop this thread.      

Final word on webcams......Gore Management:  It may not be about "usefulness", rather its just fun.  A fantasy of sorts, "If I was there now, I could be doing...xzy.  The idea that a webcam would detract business is just plain stupid.   Unless you mount the cameras looking at the flats...  that said, maybe they will set one up at Saddle Lodge looking "uphill" and right; they have electricity there, why not?   the Ying and Yang of webcams at Gore.   18" of powder, but skiers skating or hiking the flats.      


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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

The waffle cam idea has legs IMO. Seriously.

I agree with Harv.   A camera facing the waffle hut but with an overview of the patio.   Great memories sitting on patio after a good day.     Placed under the soffit of the main lodge it is perfectly protected.   A wide enough angle would likely incude the Gondi loading area.    
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
gorgonzola wrote
mc!  drink!
I took this game too seriously last night.
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

I think that this is the time that we have all had our fill of the summer and the off season.  We are getting anxious to get back on the slopes which is making us cranky.  It seems like around this time each year, the forum takes a turn for the worst and there are a lot of flameouts.  I wish everyone an early start to a long, cold, and snowy ski season and hope that there are many awesome days that will be part of it.  Just know that in one month is November 1st and that is the time that the mountains look to start snowmaking.  You will all be skiing in about two months almost guaranteed if you go to WF or Gore.  Every day that passes brings the first chair of the season a little bit sooner and that before long we will be back at it.  This is the hardest time of year for all skiers and that includes me, but make it through and the reward is immense as another ski season will begin.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

snoloco wrote
I think that this is the time that we have all had our fill of the summer and the off season.  We are getting anxious to get back on the slopes which is making us cranky.  It seems like around this time each year, the forum takes a turn for the worst and there are a lot of flameouts.  I wish everyone an early start to a long, cold, and snowy ski season and hope that there are many awesome days that will be part of it.  Just know that in one month is November 1st and that is the time that the mountains look to start snowmaking.  You will all be skiing in about two months almost guaranteed if you go to WF or Gore.  Every day that passes brings the first chair of the season a little bit sooner and that before long we will be back at it.  This is the hardest time of year for all skiers and that includes me, but make it through and the reward is immense as another ski season will begin.
Wisdom beyond his years . . .

The past two days I've found myself watching Gore trail GoPro videos on YouTube and looking at the trail map.  This weekend I'll inventory the girls' cold weather gear . . .

Hey Sno my wife is from Ogdensburg and our wedding reception was at the old Playboy Club at Great Gorge.  I've never skied Mountain Creek though.

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Re: Annual Question - Why Doesn't Gore Have a Webcam?

So today I vacillated all day about going up to Gore (I didn't).  A webcam would have been very helpful to decide whether to drive up.  Some sort of updates would be nice, anything at all.  Whiteface, MRG, Stowe, Killington all these sites talk about the storm, while Gore's doesn't mention it in their What's Happening section.  I believe that a tiny amount of effort, 5 minutes tops a few times a day wouldn't be too much to ask for and would "stoke the fire" and pay dividends for them.  I hate to beat a dead horse, but today I think it would have made a difference.