Went to Hardy Rd this past saturday... you guys are doing great work up there!! I noticed tons of improvements on the older trails and the new trail is so sweet!
cool! |
Jess and I made it up to loggers/lussi on Monday. We entered through State Line. Our first time going in over there rather than the first parking area of Golf course.
So much fun bombing the hill and jumping the stream. Lots of really fun log rides, teeter totter, wall ride. You guys are great, thanks for the good times BETA. I wish we could make it this weekend for the trail day. Have to take docks out though.
The day begins... Your mountain awaits.
Good article about BETA in the next edition of the Adirondack Explorer.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
ScottyJack, how are the trails, you rake them all yet?
The day begins... Your mountain awaits.
good shape. the SL and LP tribe has the leaf blower so that side pretty clear. A lot of really cool new stuff at Dewey in SL. We've been there the last three months. Looks like we may do one more trail day the weekend be4 WF opens, (thanksgiving) weather dependent, at Hardy to finish up the loop off the top of the east side. If this happens (doesn't snow and everyone is skiing) I think there will be some drinking involved. BETA is pretty stoked w/ our build season. We set down a lot of new track this season!!!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
Mountain Biking Trail Network Expands at Dewey Mountain Nice article in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise. The idea of a series of informal mountain bike races is excellent. I had a blast doing two (out of 4) races in a local, low-key Tuesday night series down here (Capital District): Aug 7 and Aug 28. I think something similar would be a good fit for the low-key, grassroots vibe of Dewey. |
This post was updated on .
We opened up the build season last Sunday w/ a big effort on the Poor Man's Downhill. This is part of the Wilmington Wild Forest Snowmobile trail system. It's ridable up and down but we tend to shuttle from the access point above the atmospheric science center Road.
From there it's 4-ish miles and nearly 2500 feet of crazy fun and fast descending! On Sunday we filled some wet areas, built about 400 feet of new single track to divert around more wet areas and then generally buffed up the line all the way up to the science center road. The trail comes out right behind Up a Creek dinner on RT 86 across the road from Steinhoff's. Next build day is May 19 @ the Craigwood Golf Course in North Elba On national trail day we will finish off the upper loop @ Hardy Road. (East side section - officially named "All In." The climb up in now called "Leave it to Beaver." How cool is that! ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
Just signed up last week for my BETA donation. Loving the maps. Crazy to think all these trails have been here all this time and I had no idea. Thinking about heading up Saturday. Probably going to try to do Logger's/Lussi I guess.
Thanks for the donation bro! A lot of them trails on the map were not here all this time... lots of new stuff built in the last four years. Fridays @ 6pm we do a weekly "Hardy Hour." Lots of fun and a great way to learn the Beaver Brook tract trails. And we'll climb 1000 -1200 feet too... ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
I had an amazing time in Logger's/Lussi on Saturday. It was a perfect day and the trails were dry and fast. Came in from 86, so we took Stateline to Judge Smails to 1:00-1:15 to Varmint Cong to Twisted Sister to Bushwood to the Jackrabbit trail to Gunga Galunga to Flying Wasp to Heron, back on Algonquin to Billy Barule to Loop 1 to Broken Dreams. Then we made our way back on Twisted Sister (much cooler in this direction) and Lumberyard. Loop took about 3 hours, mostly because I had to keep stopping to pump my rear tire... Just converted to Tubeless, and it still had some leakages... Needs more juice.
I might be in on one of those Friday night rides. I usually head through there on my way to my parents' camp in the summer, and I'd definitely like a little direction. It's pretty obvious that some of these trails are better ridden a certain way... |
nice route!
look 4ward to seeing you some Friday. bring some beer! ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
trail building this weekend and next Sunday @ Craigwood. gonna be quite the logger/lussi/craigwood loop. craigwood trials are super smooth and very fast!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
BETA and ADK Mtn Club trail crew as part of National Trail Day will be finishing the All In Loop on the east side of Hardy Road this Saturday, June 1. Anyone looking to be part of this historic event is welcome. BETA has plenty of tools, so come out for a couple hours or all day and you will not regret it!
Bring water or beer and your own food. ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
what time?
We did it! We punched the upper loop all the way through. 7 miles now complete in that unit. We are at the allocated mileage. At some point we will go back for an amendment.
The trail on the parking lot side that climbs to the top is called All In. We created a loop at the top so you can ride in either direction. Yesterday we did two laps on the upper loop before heading over to PMD. It clocked out at 1200 vertical. That means the upper section is about 250 vertical. And it rides sweet! Right now while it is still soft we are riding DH in the clockwise direction. May end up being the prefered descend cause it ROCKS!! ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
I recall you mentioning a kids mt bike ride as part of the bike fest. When is that and where do I sign my son up?
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
Will be up and hopefully getting a ride in tomorrow night and surely on Sat.
What time does Hardy Hour usually get going and end? Sat I want to check out Dewey, gonna cave and buy the new maps. Been rocking the BETA new shirt as much as possible
The day begins... Your mountain awaits.
Chris if you take a few shots and post a forum report I will do my best to push it out. Or if you really want to put some words to it PM me and we'll can talk about making a blog post out of it. Have fun!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp