I can get to Blue Mountain in maybe 1:50, but I'd rather poke my eye out with a stick.
It takes me 1:15 to get to the NY border and 3:15 to get to Plattekill.
X can do it in 30 minutes less and he hasn't had a ticket in decades. The speed you average doesn't have much to do with tickets, I drive slower than he does and got a ticket 5 years ago. He knows what he is doing.
I didn't realize you posted this for the benefit of those in NYC. Hundreds of thousands of NYCers day trip Hunter every year.
Suck it up and ski Mountain Creek. And if you don't want to ski on 18 inches of snow 30 feet wide in December then suck it up and drive to Hunter.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp