Thanks for answering , the topic always intersts me . Well THAT Is commendable and certainly a decent response which i understand .we all have different motivations and drives
I always was an iconoclast " he who thinks otherwise " a change agent , so my goal set at a very early age was different than many . I wanted to get busy making a life not just a living and for me that drove my career behavior and financial planning . I was a devotee of the notion that one only has so much life force thus KNOW Thyself and use it wisely .
I too need intellectual involvement and but choose to do it thru my board and committe work at the medical center . This keeps me with very bright folks and working on knotty strategic issues futuring that organization and negotiating several regional hospital affiliations and enhancing scope of services offered to our patients BUT free of encumbrances of employment and its limitations.
But i must confess that while i was in love with what i did , i had a life long goal to leave early after achieving FI and pursue leisure activities and for me it was Right move . Not for everyone but for me it works .
In addition to my principle work in higher education My 20 yr parallel Consulting business gave me that freedom in my early fifties and i am very fortunate to have been retired since 51 yrs of age .l. Oh i messed around continuing my consulting work but limiting it to 75 days a yr for 5 more yrs, .
We were very fortunate to have a series of longterm organizational clients that committed to annual training seminar series for developing executives so it was an easy transition . Our clients usually had advanced degrees in their specialty areas chemists , biologists , Rxers or other subsets . They were being placedin mgt positions and needed some specific trainng . I then pulled the plug permanantly at age 56 and my consulting partners took over .
And there you have it , what makes Warp , warp hahahahha
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.