Once again, you missed the point. You live your life making good decisions, not the easy decisions, not the ones that give you instant gratification but have long term negative consequences, good decisions.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
In reply to this post by raisingarizona
'ZONA , sorry man but Frankly ,Sometimes it is just surreal to read your stuff about how quality young people ought to craft their lives . AS an educator anfd former College President you're not helping these young men at all by encouraging drugging , boozing and screwing one's way through their formative years
Hey you are in your forties and by your own admission are still trying to find yourself academically , struggling with chemistry etc and finding yourself RHetorical Question : Even more problematic at this late date : Have you actually put together the wherewithal to achieve the financial independence necessary to sustain yourself in later life ? Hey THis value system "may " work for you , but living in the moment catering to short term satisfiers is lousy advice for someone with serious potential .Sno and Ethan are bright young guys , have some fairly serious goals and will get there if they exercise some self discipline , keep their focus and maintain their dignity and learn how to relate with quality young women . They will attract the opposite sex and learn how to relate on a mature level rather than simply go apeshit with bimbos and delude ones self that , THAT makes them virile , masculine and cool . Trust me , No one gives a damn about a persons GLORY DAYs.
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
In reply to this post by PeeTex
No Zona it is truth something you appaently have an elastic relationship with .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
Banned User
In reply to this post by Ethan Snow
Holy Christ guys. Every heard of moderation?
Every heard of risk? You could break your goddamn neck skiing and give yourself a traumatic brain injury, or worse, die! Maybe all these bright young kids should be put in bubbles so we can protect them from themselves! Having sex with your girlfriend who is on the pill and has been tested for VD is pretty low risk. Fucking every girl you see without condoms is probably not going to go well. I get the feeling neither of these guys are going to be doing the latter. Drinking some booze or beers with your friends in a place where you don't have to drive is pretty low risk. Getting fucked up every night, driving drunk and waking up with hangovers is not going to get you far in life. Smoking some dope now and again is safer than drinking beer IMO, and is pretty low risk other than the with the fuzz... and even then it's pretty petty shit if you don't ever have more than an eighth ounce in your possession - pretty sure that <25 g (7/8 of an ounce) was decriminalized to a violation, not even a misdemeanor in NY. If you are selling weed, smoking constantly and not doing anything with your life but playing video games and living and your parents basement, well then you might want to re-evaluate your situation. Doing harder drugs like LSD, Mushrooms, Cocaine, Meth, Ecstasy, Opiates is probably not advisable. Damn good reasons not to. Mostly high rate of addiction or very negative effects to your health. LSD itself is pretty safe, but ask around and you'll hear many a story of someone having a bad trip and killing themselves. I had a friend from high school who did after his freshman year of college. Stupid situation that should have never happened, but it did. Case of him freaking out, parents being called in and taking him away unrestrained. Jumped from a car at highway speeds. Dead on impact. You have to really know what you are getting into with that shit. It's all balance man. People are going to try to scare you about all sorts of shit, but you need to live your life. Like I said in the first sentence, you take a risk every time you point those skis down a hill. Decide what risks you want to take and what ones will likely cause issues. |
In reply to this post by warp daddy
Wow talk about a f-ing tangent.
This kid Sno probably can't even stand to talk to a girl like Raj on Big Bang and you guys are giving him martial advice ![]()
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by warp daddy
You are making assumptions about my posts that aren't true. I never said anything like this- "you're not helping these young men at all by encouraging drugging , boozing and screwing one's way through their formative years." There is no reason that these guys can't get a good education and enjoy themselves at the same time. I'll actually answer this one- "RHetorical Question : Even more problematic at this late date : Have you actually put together the wherewithal to achieve the financial independence necessary to sustain yourself in later life ?" One day at a time Warp. I need to get through this school stuff first and get the job. Over thinking in any way at this point seems pointless to me. You might judge me and think to yourself that I'm a dumb ass that makes bad decisions but if I told you my story and how I ended up on the path I took you might feel like a richard for judging me. |
In reply to this post by MikeK
I wouldn't put mushrooms on that list of hard drugs. I find them much more enjoyable and safe than LSD.
Banned User
They aren't inherently as dangerous but they are really bad for you brain. They cause a lot of trauma to your brain everytime you use them. If it's very low use, it's no worse than alcohol use, but regular use can really cause some serious damage. I've done a lot of mushrooms and a fair deal of LSD. Both are fairly powerful compared to weed IMO, but LSD is a much more intense experience. Either one you're in for a ride that last a few hours at least, and if you are in the wrong state of mind, it might not go well. Some people also seem to react really badly to mushrooms. Really what it is, is poisoning yourself and feeling your bodies natural reaction to death... I am really hesitant to say this here, but I feel like using some serious psychoactive drugs is a experience everyone should have. It shows you how fragile your psyche is and how easily it can be confused. It can also put you in touch with some parts of yourself you may not want to see. Natives have often called this a religious experience, and it truly is on some level. |
In reply to this post by raisingarizona
MIke : Do you have Children ?? If so , Would you be so cavelier and downright reckless In your recommendations . It is sad that your background as you stated was influenced by less than great role modeling. Z : yes it is always time to differentiate between good and destructive behavior and to stand up when the situation merits it .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
Man you sure take yourself seriously.
Sad? Maybe but it also shaped me into who I am today and it put me on a path of some ridiculously awesome experiences. I'm greatful for that. Have you ever read a good book that was about someone's perfectly charmed life? Ya me either. Personally I think that mistakes, bad decisions, good decisions, pain, love, and some suffering are all important parts of the human experience. It's soul food and it makes us interesting. |
Banned User
In reply to this post by warp daddy
I would tell my children the same thing I've said here. Why would I hide it? Why would I pretend to tell them anything but the truth of my experience? You seem to think that not talking about drugs and alcohol use will make it stop? I had fine role models. My grandparents were straight edge and old school. My parents are degenerates that I never aspired to become. Another reason I found what I wanted to do in school and crushed it when I did. My parents dropped out of college because they couldn't handle drugs and alcohol. They continued this pattern most of their lives. I did everything I could to avoid the mistakes they made. It's really sad that you judge me based on telling you something very personal like that even when I've also said that I'm happily married, a successful engineer, graduated top of my class and could have done many other things academically if I chose to do so. It doesn't say much about your character honestly. If you want to tell these nearly grown men about the tooth fairy and santy clause, go ahead, but I'm telling them my version of reality. |
Mike your experiences are yours, thay have absolutely no bearing on others . I am happy that you have had the love of grandparents who were role models and that you overcame some tough situations that were not your making . Your educational efforts are commendable
Moreover i am not JUDGING either you or Zona . Your defensiveness ialthough telling , is of no consequence to me personally .You each made choices and they only reflect on you and that is as it should be . MY point is for you to advise OTHERS children to use illegal drugs and the abuse of alcohol and other illegal and potentially destructive behavior is neither wise nor in their best interests. You may disagree and that is fine ., you have no skin in the game for these young students You both live the lives you choose , fine but to encourage others kids to freely experiment is neither wise nor in their BEST interest IMHO .. So go about your lives , they neither concern nor interest me . All opinions here are subject to intrepretation so have a good evening .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
In reply to this post by raisingarizona
Yes Zona life is serious and pretty. Awhesome if you get in the game and prepare
Those awesome experinces you tout while mildly entertaining will not take care of you financially or realistically . DOes that devalue them , certainly not , but they dont mean squat to others nor will they pay the freight . Just sayin
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
You sound like a real fun guy to hang out with.
None of us or our lives are as important as you like to think you are and your posts are very judging of others that have different perspectives. I make the "decision" every day to not be "that" guy. |
In reply to this post by warp daddy
My request to all is to limit any discussion of illegal activity in the forum. If you must than it only should be posted in the off topic section.
Sno is a minor and some of these posts could be considered as contributing to the delinquency of a minor which is a crime. It's one thing to tell him to man up or bust him for stupid comments. Things I would do to my own kid if he took the stances Sno has done. but telling him to engage in 3somes or use illegal drugs is way over the line. Consider what you might say to your own kids and post appropriately. I'm beginning to question my participation in this forum based on these discussions. This needs to stop.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
The last time I checked a threesome isn't illegal.
In reply to this post by raisingarizona
Zona i am no better than any other person but i do take life and students future very seriously because I CARE . Thats why i was an educator.
Yes i do have traditional values and when challenged i speak out . Your life is yours , live it to the best of your ability , i bear you no harm at all. And BTW as far as being loose and fun , ask my ski buds , was also a rock musician in my younger days and Work out on my guitars daily .Friends and family will tell you i have an irreverent sense of humor that can go OTT. Early in my career coached basketball and XC at the college and still see my players to this day .Finally when i actually served as President of my college , i was very student centered makeing visibility a priority so the kids knew who in hell the old man was. So contrary to what you MAY think, i have lots of fun all throughout my life . See i LIKE people and care deeply about HELPING kids get the BEST start possible .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
In reply to this post by raisingarizona
No it's not but as a parent it's certainly not something you would encourage as behavior of your kids
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
Banned User
I'm pretty sure talking about drugs, sex and alcohol is not illegal, even in the presence of a minor. I'm pretty sure you are extending that law to mean something you don't understand.
If I was encouraging these kids to do drugs in their presence, then yes, I'd be endangering them. If I was buying them booze or drugs, yes, I would be breaking that law. If I was using drugs or drinking around them, and telling them it was OK, yes, I'd be breaking that law. Telling someone they will be exposed to these things as part of the reality of college (and most high schools) and to be aware of them, and not terrified or overly enticed by them is just good advice. Like I said, if you can say no to all that stuff and have a great time, go ahead, but if it comes about, and you find yourself in those situations, be smart about it. Underage drinking is rampant at college. Marijuana use is rampant at college. Having sex is part of becoming an adult. There are smart ways to approach those things, and there are really stupid ways. Abstinence is 100% effective for all of them, but to be so naive to think that kids are actually doing that... don't patronize me, it's certainly not the majority. I was one not long ago and I knew a lot of others. Also the fact that drug laws are changing in the states makes this a very relevant topic. If you come from a very uptight and conservative family, some of this may be a bit shocking to you. And chances are your parents had no good experience to give you about drugs, so if you did try some, you probably had no idea what you were in for. But again, continue to shelter kids, tell them to do as I say, not what I do (who here hasn't had a drink?). I'd rather know that kids this age know about safe sex, know how to use alcohol responsibly, are aware of illegal drugs and perhaps understand where they fall in terms of something common like alcohol. Maybe it isn't my place to say, but I know Clarkson, and I know this kid is going to learn about that stuff real soon. FWIW I don't use any illegal drugs anymore, haven't for some time. I drink a beer a night, if that. I don't even drink coffee anymore. I don't need to get drunk and high, I'm high on life. But I don't regret experiencing those things, and I tried never to be stupid about it or get in over my head. |