Gore Base Lodge Rehab

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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

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Tannery was open with table service but no one was sitting at them. As far as improvements go the bartender said the bathrooms would be done by next weekend. He was saying the deck would not be done this year and he didn't know why they made the bathrooms tile as it might be slippery in ski boots. He was also not to thrilled with the fact that they are changing to real plates and glasses. On a busy holiday weekend he said they go through 8 stacks of 50 plastic cups. Thats 400 pint glasses that have to be washed and the closest dishwasher to the bar is down stairs. I asked if Gore asked centerplate what they wanted to do to improve the bar and he said no, they were told what they have to do. " Blame NYS"       Disclaimer:  Is this true? I don't know it was a bar conversation
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Raymo40 wrote
Tannery was open with table service but no one was sitting at them. As far as improvements go the bartender said the bathrooms would be done by next weekend. He was saying the deck would not be done this year and he didn't know why they made the bathrooms tile as it might be slippery in ski boots. He was also not to thrilled with the fact that they are changing to real plates and glasses. On a busy holiday weekend he said they go through 8 stacks of 50 plastic cups. Thats 400 pint glasses that have to be washed and the closest dishwasher to the bar is down stairs. I asked if Gore asked centerplate what they wanted to do to improve the bar and he said no, they were told what they have to do. " Blame NYS"       Disclaimer:  Is this true? I don't know it was a bar conversation
Apparently it's true and the Centerplate employees are not happy campers. I guess Gore wanted to go "green," meaning less disposable trash (paper, plastic, etc.). The bartender also told me that they no longer will be serving fountain drinks in the lodge, just deposit bottles (again, going "green"). Can any soda drinkers confirm this?

The deck will NOT be done this year.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

The fountain drink story make a lot of sense since Gore is supposed to be handing out special "Pepsi" cups to season pass holders so that they can buy drinks at a discount. Go figure!
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Darkside Shaman
We instead received coffee cups with leaky lids, and there wasn't any coffee this past weekend, due to a boil water order...DOH!!!
Gotta go to know
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

I also heard that they got a few new 40 inch flat screens for the bar. I guess that good if you want to watch football instead of ski.
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

In reply to this post by Darkside Shaman
Where are they handing out the cups?
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Darkside Shaman
Right at the door in the lodge that is closest to the BBQ area. They have two coupons inside for the 42% off. You can probably come by any day this week and pick it up as well. Hopefully we'll be able to get the free coffee now that the water issue is past.

The legendary Jack Howe, who was the assistant director of Gore's ski school, would always ask..."What's the best kind of Beer?"....FREE BEER!!!
Gotta go to know
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

K man
I"m glad they are going with glass instead of plastic beer cups.  A good beer was meant to be had in a pint glass, plastic cups are for coors light.  
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

I'm for the glass as well.  Tell me that they can't install a dishwasher at Tannery level so they don't need to travel down below to clean the glasses.  I'm certain that I personally buy enough chili yearly to offset the cost.  

Really love the Gore Mountain sausage/meat chile BTW... really do!  Only downside is the distinct lack of hot sauce come mid February.  
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Many bar tenders wash the glasses right at the bar.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Glass...beer tastes so much better in it.    Thumbs and bottoms up!

To me, part of tipping the bar tender included getting a nice frosted mug---a new one with each new beer.    

lazy bartenders simply refill.    

On busy days..fine.     But when no one is around, wash the old glass, get a new one out of the cooler for me and my $6.00.  

I knew there could be no way they would have the deck done.....but was curious as to how there were going to try.    
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Might get alf a beer for $6-!
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

No glasses as of 12/11, just plastic.  Also, the switch to bottled soda only is a pain.  A 16 ounce bottle is too big for little kids, so coffee cups need to be appropriated.  I kind of like ice in my soda which is gone now too.
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Not sure it's so much greener. When I picked up my free coffee cup, I was told that We don't need to carry them back and forth to get the deal of $1.25/20z coffee. Grateful for the discount (note several other ski areas offer 10% food discount to pass holders). They cold have saved the $$ spent on the cup.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Nicky Z
The Tannery Pub looks like its back in running condition. All of the tables are back in place, and the new bathrooms are finished and there was no "caution tape walkway". There was some action going on on Sunday around the Patio/ Deck/ Grill area with Gore Employees. Good to see them out on a sunday.
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab


Tannery Pub

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"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp