Gore Base Lodge Rehab

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Gore Base Lodge Rehab

70s Gore Kid
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Syracuse, NY
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

70s Gore Kid wrote
Saw in the season pass email I almost deleted that some major improvements are coming to Gores base lodge this fall. New Tannery pub?  New decks outside?   Does anyone know more?  Where did they find the money for this?

Last I heard, the Tannery still looks like it did when I had my last beer there in 1988.
The Tannery has been renovated in the last 5 or so years (maybe longer). The have been updating the main base lodge little by little. The place does not look like 1988.

You really need to make the trek back to Gore.
You will not recognize the place.
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Yea this building got a few upgrades too:

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

70s Gore Kid
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Syracuse, NY
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Banned User
Cool pic Kid. Looks like there's no patio and the ski racks are the patio would be.

Say, isn't that his Harvness there scopeing out the lift served and trolling around for candidates to interview for the future Mrs. H position?
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

In reply to this post by x10003q
x10003q wrote
70s Gore Kid wrote
Saw in the season pass email I almost deleted that some major improvements are coming to Gores base lodge this fall. New Tannery pub?  New decks outside?   Does anyone know more?  Where did they find the money for this?

Last I heard, the Tannery still looks like it did when I had my last beer there in 1988.
The Tannery has been renovated in the last 5 or so years (maybe longer). The have been updating the main base lodge little by little. The place does not look like 1988.

You really need to make the trek back to Gore.
You will not recognize the place.
Looks like they planned to do the new deck 2 years ago, before the money flow shut off:


Maybe we can thank paid parking for this.

1988?  I can't think of anything at Gore that hasn't been changed (invariably for the better) since then.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

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In reply to this post by 70s Gore Kid
70s Gore Kid wrote
Saw in the season pass email I almost deleted that some major improvements are coming to Gores base lodge this fall. New Tannery pub?  New decks outside?   Does anyone know more?  Where did they find the money for this?
Gore Mountain Lodge Improvements
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

ausable skier
with the possibility that this post will set off SnowBalls ...

do we know what Ted Blazer go Centerplate to commit to improving at WF in the new contract?

Here is my take on the differences between Gore and WF's food service offerings

Foodcourt / Main Cafeteria
Gore's is much better than WF.  More offerings and better food.

Mid Mt offering - here WF is better than Gore.  WF's mid station lodge is much bigger, food service is faster and offers the bistro which is my personal fav spot for lunch

Outdoor Options - Gore's seems to be open and better and than WF.  It seemed that WF did not operate its outdoor grill unless is was really warm out while Gore's was open on a 30 degree day i visited in March.

Outposts - WF's kids kampus food is pretty lame and Gores new lodge in the snow bowl was very limited.

Upscale - the wine bar that WF put last year in the old ski school locker room (formerly was a coffee shop) had some really good food but was very pricey and service was super slow.  I don't know what Gore offers like this.

Bar - The WF bar offers mostly lame AB Inbev offerings and prices are prohibitive from spending much time here.  The deck has a great vibe in the spring though.  Can't speak to Gore's bar since the 90 min drive back up north prevents me from sampling it.

Roughly I'd say its about a tie or slight edge to Gore.  When you compare the food service compared to Interwest or Vail resorts offerings we are light years behind
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

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ausable skier wrote
do we know what Ted Blazer go Centerplate to commit to improving at WF in the new contract?
Specific decisions about Centerplate's capital investment into ORDA venues in the northern Adks haven't been finalized.  This should happen in the next few weeks. It's our plan to report on developments as soon as we are able.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

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Harvey44 wrote
ausable skier wrote
do we know what Ted Blazer go Centerplate to commit to improving at WF in the new contract?
Specific decisions about Centerplate's capital investment into ORDA venues in the northern Adks haven't been finalized.  This should happen in the next few weeks. It's our plan to report on developments as soon as we are able.
I think every since Ron Z became the head centerplate person at WF things have gotten alot better. That guy really is a go getter.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

In reply to this post by 70s Gore Kid
70s Gore Kid wrote
Saw in the season pass email I almost deleted that some major improvements are coming to Gores base lodge this fall. New Tannery pub?  New decks outside?   Does anyone know more?  Where did they find the money for this?
I've been told that Centerplate is paying for it.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

I had a gondi conversation with a guy from centerplate late in the season - maybe Ron.  He wasn't really a skier , but seemed interested and was paying attention to everything around him.  He brought up the fact that my skis wouldn't fit in the gondi buckets and said they needed to change that.  It was good to see and hear.

That said, I don't fully understand the ORDA\Centerplate relationship. I am surprised Centerplate would pay for improvements.  It would be interesting to know the whole deal.
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

snowman wrote
I had a gondi conversation with a guy from centerplate late in the season - maybe Ron.  He wasn't really a skier , but seemed interested and was paying attention to everything around him.  He brought up the fact that my skis wouldn't fit in the gondi buckets and said they needed to change that.  It was good to see and hear.

That said, I don't fully understand the ORDA\Centerplate relationship. I am surprised Centerplate would pay for improvements.  It would be interesting to know the whole deal.
Ron at Gore or WF?
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Looks like the new Sundeck Grill is coming along:

photo courtesy of Gore Mountain
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

I hope that as part of the renovation they've purchased a few more picnic tables.  It's like Thunderdome trying to find a seat sometimes.  Great burgers and beer though.  Definitely worth the fisticuffs.  
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

Likely fewer tables of the same number pushed closer as a result of the new grille area.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

I think that they are actually expanding the outdoor space a bit.  They could put tables where the old grill was.  Also, my understanding was that Gore is installing a new patio down by the lower level locker entrance on the mountain side of the lodge.  
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

K man
They put the new grill at the end of the patio where everyone liked to sit in the sun??????
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
No Fat Chicks, Just Fat Skis
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

In reply to this post by ausable skier
ausable skier wrote

Mid Mt offering - here WF is better than Gore.  WF's mid station lodge is much bigger, food service is faster and offers the bistro which is my personal fav spot for lunch
I love the mid mountain at Gore.  It puts me in a really mellow state of mind.  I especially like it in the afternoon.  The view from upstairs is fantastic if the windows aren't fogged up.  Sometimes it's pretty hot up there though.  It has a dead vibe as opposed to the tannery which is always pretty happenin'...I guess I like that chilled out atmosphere, at least while I'm skiing
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Re: Gore Base Lodge Rehab

The Saddle rules.