Gore Glades

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Re: Gore Glades

Gores on deck for tomorrow!
Breaking out the fatties!!!! WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!
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Re: Gore Glades

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In reply to this post by PeeTex
I took a look at the trail report (which I assume is for tomorrow?) and it shows about 90% of glades open.

I also noticed that one "glade" Double Barrel is the only one listed as a double diamond:

I guess that is based on pitch? Not IMO the hardest glade on the hill.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Glades

 I agree with you...I personally like DB a lot but I think the top of Chati glades are pretty legit.
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Re: Gore Glades

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Skidds
Skidds wrote
I'm penciled in for Friday at Gore.  If MC or others are busy we can always hook up for a couple.  Looks like my brother may be with me.  I'll ski on map glades alone if I have to, but I'd prefer to have company in the woods.
I'll be there. PM me sometime tomorrow to arrange a meetup time.
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Re: Gore Glades

mattchuck2 wrote
Skidds wrote
I'm penciled in for Friday at Gore.  If MC or others are busy we can always hook up for a couple.  Looks like my brother may be with me.  I'll ski on map glades alone if I have to, but I'd prefer to have company in the woods.
I'll be there. PM me sometime tomorrow to arrange a meetup time.
I'm going to be there on Friday too, but I'm going to be with my son and we're bringing two of his friends, so I'm going to have to bail on meeting up with you (don't want to slow you down!)

If someone could make some suggestions in the way of a good "glades progression" at Gore, I'd certainly appreciate it. My only reference for comparison is Whiteface, so I'd be looking to start with something along the lines of High Country Glades, and then progressing to more difficult stuff along the lines of 10th Mt. Division, Cloudsplitter and beyond.

Once again, I'd really appreciate it if someone would be willing to take the time to do this.

It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Gore Glades

Adk Jeff
Face4Me wrote
If someone could make some suggestions in the way of a good "glades progression" at Gore, I'd certainly appreciate it. My only reference for comparison is Whiteface, so I'd be looking to start with something along the lines of High Country Glades, and then progressing to more difficult stuff along the lines of 10th Mt. Division, Cloudsplitter and beyond.
Once again, I'd really appreciate it if someone would be willing to take the time to do this.
What a coincidence, I put a Gore Glade Guide on my blog this morning.  I put it together about 2 years ago for another publication but had never run it on my blog. It was written with exactly the "glades progression" question that you posed in mind.  It's not necessarily a comprehensive guide to all the glades a Gore, just an overview with suggestions.  Others here on the forum may have some additional recommendations.  Hope it helps.
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Re: Gore Glades

Adk Jeff wrote
Face4Me wrote
If someone could make some suggestions in the way of a good "glades progression" at Gore, I'd certainly appreciate it. My only reference for comparison is Whiteface, so I'd be looking to start with something along the lines of High Country Glades, and then progressing to more difficult stuff along the lines of 10th Mt. Division, Cloudsplitter and beyond.
Once again, I'd really appreciate it if someone would be willing to take the time to do this.
What a coincidence, I put a Gore Glade Guide on my blog this morning.  I put it together about 2 years ago for another publication but had never run it on my blog. It was written with exactly the "glades progression" question that you posed in mind.  It's not necessarily a comprehensive guide to all the glades a Gore, just an overview with suggestions.  Others here on the forum may have some additional recommendations.  Hope it helps.
Thanks Jeff!

That's perfect ... exactly what I was looking for. Just printed it and will keep it with me tomorrow!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Gore Glades

Jeff - I've skied Cirque and want to get back in there tomorrow.  Boreas and Barkeater also look very long.  Given the many targets I already have on the list for tomorrow, how high should I put those on my priority list?
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Re: Gore Glades

In reply to this post by Adk Jeff
How long are the Circa Glades?? I see in your blog they claim to be the longest in the east so I was just curious.
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Re: Gore Glades

In reply to this post by Skidds
Skidds wrote
Jeff - I've skied Cirque and want to get back in there tomorrow.  Boreas and Barkeater also look very long.  Given the many targets I already have on the list for tomorrow, how high should I put those on my priority list?
According to the current conditions report, Cirque Glades are currently closed!

Also, so is the whole North Creek Ski Bowl Area. Is this a "weekday" closure sort of thing? Is it likely to be closed tomorrow (Friday) as well?

It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Gore Glades

In reply to this post by Adk Jeff
Adk Jeff, great info! Thanks. Looking forward to my first foray into Gore's glades tomorrow.
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Re: Gore Glades

Adk Jeff
Skidds wrote
Jeff - I've skied Cirque and want to get back in there tomorrow.  Boreas and Barkeater also look very long.  Given the many targets I already have on the list for tomorrow, how high should I put those on my priority list?
Yeah, it's kind of like sampling from a buffet... what should I fill my plate with?
Boreas and Barkeater are both long, Barkeater slightly longer.  Since Boreas is new, I've only skied it once, a couple weeks ago, and I really liked it.  Has fewer of Barkeater's choke points.  Boreas is efficient if you're looking to get back to BRQ, Barkeater is great for getting to the Ski Bowl (can't do that via Boreas).
My personal preference is the upper mountain glades, but I'd say if you ski Cirque and you really like it then give either Barkeater or Boreas a shot while you're there, depending on how much time you want to allocate to the BRQ pod. You can get back up top reasonably quickly by doing BRQ -> Hedges/Tahawus Glade -> North quad -> Wood In -> High Peaks chair.

campgottagopee wrote
How long are the Circa Glades?? I see in your blog they claim to be the longest in the east so I was just curious.
I don't know exactly but it's lloonngg.  I'll see if I can dig it up.

Face4Me wrote
According to the current conditions report, Cirque Glades are currently closed!

Also, so is the whole North Creek Ski Bowl Area. Is this a "weekday" closure sort of thing? Is it likely to be closed tomorrow (Friday) as well?
Odd that Cirque's closed today.  Keep an eye on the report for tomorrow.
And yes, the ski bowl is a weekend/holiday operation, so it's no surprise that it's closed today.  Sometimes it's open Fridays, so check tomorrow's report (should be out in about an hour).  We haven't even talked about the ski bowl glades yet, but there's a lot there if the snow is good.

moguljunkie wrote
Adk Jeff, great info! Thanks. Looking forward to my first foray into Gore's glades tomorrow.
Thanks Mogul!
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Re: Gore Glades

Snow report for tomorrow shows 100% open, including all glades and the Snow Bowl.

Jeff - are Ridge Runner, Hudson or Ski Bowl glades worth the investment of time, given all the things you know I wanna get to?
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Re: Gore Glades

MC2 5678F589
All those glades are definitely worth it, especially because you take Barkeater on the way down there.

If it was me, and I had skied the upper mountain stuff before, but not the other ones, I'd start on Burnt Ridge (might as well hike over there early) and do Boreas as a warmup, then I'd hit Barkeater down to the Ski Bowl ones that you mentioned. If they were truly closed today, there should be very sweet fresh tracks in there tomorrow morning. If you want to skip one, Ridge Runner is kind of short and mellow, and probably not worth it (On the other hand, it lets out right above the skiercross course if your son and his friends want to have fun there).

After doing that, I'd make my way back to Burnt Ridge (sorry, no glade on that run). You can hit Cirque then if you want, but I'd jump right into Tahawus Glades to the North Quad. From there, I'd take Wood In (no glade again, sorry) to the High Peaks chair (darkside). Ski Darkside Glades, and Darby Woods as a couple of nice steep runs, then take Mineshaft glades over to the Straightbrook Area. Once there, you have Straightbrook glades, Double Barrel (not technically a glade, but one of the nicest pitches on the mountain), and Chatiemac Glades. When you ski Chatiemac glades drop down to the left early - most people wait until the end and they pinch themselves out and lose all the pitch and good parts of the glade. While you're up top, you might as well ski Rumor.

After Straightbrook, I'd go down to the Topridge chair, ride that up and do High Pines. Again, it's not technically a glade, but people love jumping off stuff and showing off under the chair. Next, I'd check out the Cave. Personally, I don't really hit it very often anymore (it's too played out), but it's definitely one of the best tree trails on the mountain. That will take you back to Straightbrook, but I'd just ski right by there and go back to the Topridge chair. Then you can choose to do Pinebrook or Kill Kare (which is the least appealing Glade on the mountain), or just head down to the lower mountain and clean up what's left down there, Chatterbox and Twister Glades. These are the ones that get the most traffic, so they'll probably be pretty bombed out by then, but your legs will probably be pretty tired by this point anyway, and they are nice, easy runs that won't get you in too much trouble.

If you can do all of the trails on that itinerary, you'll have a pretty sweet day.
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Re: Gore Glades

MC - Thanks for the itinerary suggestions.  PM'd you.

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Re: Gore Glades

Matt my legs are tired just from reading your itinerary.
Twister glades and High Pines were great today. The wind blew a boatload of snow into high pines. Get it while you can!
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Re: Gore Glades

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
If you can do all of the trails on that itinerary, you'll have a pretty sweet day.
I'd say that would be an epic day. Above and beyond of you to lay that out so well.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Gore Glades

Spongeworthy wrote
mattchuck2 wrote
If you can do all of the trails on that itinerary, you'll have a pretty sweet day.
I'd say that would be an epic day. Above and beyond of you to lay that out so well.
Agreed!!! Thanks a lot for taking the time. Not sure what I'll be able to get to, as I'll have a few young'ns with me, but we'll definitely get as much as we can.

Thanks again.

Now I just have to copy all of this down onto something I can carry with me tomorrow!!!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Gore Glades

If you have a few kids I would start with Twister glades, that will put you higher on Echo so the skate on Cedars will not be so bad.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Gore Glades

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by Skidds
Skidds wrote
Jeff - are Ridge Runner, Hudson or Ski Bowl glades worth the investment of time, given all the things you know I wanna get to?
^^ What Matt said.
I like the glades at the Bowl that go way out from the Hudson chair more than the glades that stay close to 46r (forget which is which, too lazy to consult map).

mattchuck2 wrote
Then you can choose to do Pinebrook or Kill Kare (which is the least appealing Glade on the mountain)
Yeah, skip Kill Kare.  I'm always disappointed by that one.