Gore Glades

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Re: Gore Glades

Seriously, I'd have to call it a day or remain on groomers after about 40% of that itinerary.  
Can we get SOME snow?  Please?
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Re: Gore Glades

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
All those glades are definitely worth it, especially because you take Barkeater on the way down there.

If it was me, and I had skied the upper mountain stuff before, but not the other ones, I'd start on Burnt Ridge (might as well hike over there early) and do Boreas as a warmup, then I'd hit Barkeater down to the Ski Bowl ones that you mentioned. If they were truly closed today, there should be very sweet fresh tracks in there tomorrow morning. If you want to skip one, Ridge Runner is kind of short and mellow, and probably not worth it (On the other hand, it lets out right above the skiercross course if your son and his friends want to have fun there).

After doing that, I'd make my way back to Burnt Ridge (sorry, no glade on that run). You can hit Cirque then if you want, but I'd jump right into Tahawus Glades to the North Quad. From there, I'd take Wood In (no glade again, sorry) to the High Peaks chair (darkside). Ski Darkside Glades, and Darby Woods as a couple of nice steep runs, then take Mineshaft glades over to the Straightbrook Area. Once there, you have Straightbrook glades, Double Barrel (not technically a glade, but one of the nicest pitches on the mountain), and Chatiemac Glades. When you ski Chatiemac glades drop down to the left early - most people wait until the end and they pinch themselves out and lose all the pitch and good parts of the glade. While you're up top, you might as well ski Rumor.

After Straightbrook, I'd go down to the Topridge chair, ride that up and do High Pines. Again, it's not technically a glade, but people love jumping off stuff and showing off under the chair. Next, I'd check out the Cave. Personally, I don't really hit it very often anymore (it's too played out), but it's definitely one of the best tree trails on the mountain. That will take you back to Straightbrook, but I'd just ski right by there and go back to the Topridge chair. Then you can choose to do Pinebrook or Kill Kare (which is the least appealing Glade on the mountain), or just head down to the lower mountain and clean up what's left down there, Chatterbox and Twister Glades. These are the ones that get the most traffic, so they'll probably be pretty bombed out by then, but your legs will probably be pretty tired by this point anyway, and they are nice, easy runs that won't get you in too much trouble.

If you can do all of the trails on that itinerary, you'll have a pretty sweet day.
What a day!!!
We pretty much followed this plan, though we started off with Twister Glade and then continued over to Burnt Ridge, hitting Boreas (my favorite of the day) and Bark Eater. From there, over to the Ski Bowl. When the boys saw the skier cross course, true to your "prediction", they wanted all over that, so we did Ridge Runner first so they could do the skier cross. From there, it was over to Hudson Glade, which as expected, had a lot more fresh snow in it than the other stuff we had skied to that point.

It was getting close to lunch time, and the boys were looking at me a little funny, (I think there were trying to figure out how they could best eat me), plus as predicted, we were all pretty beat, so we made our way back over to the main lodge for lunch.

After lunch, we hit, Kill Kare and then the Cave Glade. The boys were cursing the climb up into Cave Glade until we discovered the cave ... then their attitude changed! After that, we made our way over to Straight Brook and then Chatiemac Glades, followed by High Pines.

At that point ... we were pretty much done, so we decided to call it a day, never having made it over to the North Quad and the stuff over there. On our way "out", the boys wanted to do Wild Air, so I jumped into Chatterbox as my swan song.

All in all, it was an awesome day. If I didn't have the boys with me, I probably would have gotten quite a few more runs in, but that's OK ... there will be other days.

Once again, thanks so much for the info Jeff & Matt ... It really helped me out!
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Re: Gore Glades

Nice to see some love for Gore from a Whiteface diehard.  

(via mobile)
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Glades

Glad you took Twister Glades to Burnt ridge - shlepping down Cedars particularly in soft snow is a rude start to the day. Pipeline is not much better. However I always recommend those two trails to any new snow boarder at Gore.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Gore Glades

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
All those glades are definitely worth it, especially because you take Barkeater on the way down there.

If it was me, and I had skied the upper mountain stuff before, but not the other ones, I'd start on Burnt Ridge (might as well hike over there early) and do Boreas as a warmup, then I'd hit Barkeater down to the Ski Bowl ones that you mentioned. If they were truly closed today, there should be very sweet fresh tracks in there tomorrow morning. If you want to skip one, Ridge Runner is kind of short and mellow, and probably not worth it (On the other hand, it lets out right above the skiercross course if your son and his friends want to have fun there).

After doing that, I'd make my way back to Burnt Ridge (sorry, no glade on that run). You can hit Cirque then if you want, but I'd jump right into Tahawus Glades to the North Quad. From there, I'd take Wood In (no glade again, sorry) to the High Peaks chair (darkside). Ski Darkside Glades, and Darby Woods as a couple of nice steep runs, then take Mineshaft glades over to the Straightbrook Area. Once there, you have Straightbrook glades, Double Barrel (not technically a glade, but one of the nicest pitches on the mountain), and Chatiemac Glades. When you ski Chatiemac glades drop down to the left early - most people wait until the end and they pinch themselves out and lose all the pitch and good parts of the glade. While you're up top, you might as well ski Rumor.

After Straightbrook, I'd go down to the Topridge chair, ride that up and do High Pines. Again, it's not technically a glade, but people love jumping off stuff and showing off under the chair. Next, I'd check out the Cave. Personally, I don't really hit it very often anymore (it's too played out), but it's definitely one of the best tree trails on the mountain. That will take you back to Straightbrook, but I'd just ski right by there and go back to the Topridge chair. Then you can choose to do Pinebrook or Kill Kare (which is the least appealing Glade on the mountain), or just head down to the lower mountain and clean up what's left down there, Chatterbox and Twister Glades. These are the ones that get the most traffic, so they'll probably be pretty bombed out by then, but your legs will probably be pretty tired by this point anyway, and they are nice, easy runs that won't get you in too much trouble.

If you can do all of the trails on that itinerary, you'll have a pretty sweet day.
I can already see the damage to my skis if I tried that.  I would end the day in the terrain park since it polishes the bottoms of your skis if you hit boxes.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Gore Glades

How many ways can we say conditions were excellent?  Great day all around.

Started on the gondola.  My brother didn't want to warm up on Twister Glades, so we enjoyed a perfect corduroy warm up on Twister, then schlepped the traverse over to BR. Took Barkeater Glades on the way to the Ski Bowl.  As much as we wanted to focus on glades, untracked on 46er demanded two laps before we jumped into Ski Bowl Glades for more fresh snow.  Next it was back to BR for runs down Sagamore and Cirque Glades, which was one of my brother's favorites.  Another corduroy romp down something found it to be beer o'clock (11:30).  After lunch it was High Pines (x2), Cave Glades, and Double Barrel (x2).  Everything was exceptional.  2:30 and my brother was just about shot, but we hit Rumor and some off map stuff before he headed back to the bar.

The day disappeared in a hurry and I was hoping to get a few more glades in.  3:00, tired, solo, and with patrol roping trails for the afternoon I was tempted to hit another off map spot, but settled for a couple runs on Lies, Upper Darby, Hullabaloo, and found my own beer in the bar.  

Appreciate to help Jeff and MC!